Apple II Telecom Manual I: Hardware and Transfers


Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground file: CSA2T1TCOM.TXT rev010



The Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) usenet newsgroup Frequently Asked

Questions files are compiled by the Ground Apple II site,

1997, 1998.



for on-line perusing via Netscape, etc. ...



The Csa2 FAQs may be freely distributed.


Note: To correctly view tables and diagrams on a super-res display,

use a mono-spaced Font such as CoPilot or PCMononspaced.







001- How do I transfer files between my Apple and a PC or Mac?

002- How do I transfer/convert my A2 word processor files to a PC?

003- How do I transfer Apple II disks between Apple2 and PC?

004- How do I transfer files between computers using NULL modem?

005- How do I NULL-modem Text files without getting garbage?

006- How do I make a "NULL Modem" cable?

007- What is the maximum length for a NULL modem connection?

008- I have a Super Serial Card. What cable should I use?

009- How do I make a GS hardware handshake High-Speed modem cable?

010- What is the fastest modem I can use on an Apple IIe?

011- Does what applies to the IIe also apply to the //c and IIgs?

012- What telecom programs run on Apple II computers?

013- What are the settings for the Apple Super Serial Card?

014- What are the Serial Pro card's dip switch settings?

015- What are the settings for an Apple Serial Interface Card?

016- What cable can I use to do NULL modem transfers with my IIc?

017- What cable(s) can I use to connect a modem to my IIc?

018- How can I connect a modem with a DB-9 socket to my IIgs?

019- What is the maximum modemming speed I can get from my IIgs?

020- How can I transfer files from PC to GS using Zip disks?

021- How do I get an Applesoft program into a PC-DOS computer?

022- I want to use a faxmodem with my //GS. Is this possible?

023- Can I do modem-to-modem transfers between my home computers?







From: Rubywand


001- How do I transfer files between my Apple and a PC or Mac?


The best, most flak-free way to move stuff between Apple II and PC

or Mac is via a NULL modem connection. This is a direct

machine-to-machine transfer between serial ports with a NULL modem

connector joining modem cables from each computer.


Other ways of doing a direct PC-Apple II transfer include ADT and

Ap2222. These software packages include A2 and PC programs which let the

user do transfers via serial ports (ADT) or game port and printer port

(Ap2222). They are, mainly, intended for moving whole A2 5.25" disks.


Another option is to use a BBS-- perhaps your own company BBS-- or

a website, etc.. You upload from one machine and download with the



A completly different approach is to move files on diskette. For PC

transfers, this requires that either the Apple II or the PC have a

plug-in card and/or special diskette drive which lets it read diskettes

from the other machine. The mechanics of each machine's diskette

interface are too different to permit Apple II to read a PC diskette on

an A2 drive or PC to read an A2 diskette on a PC drive.


Depending upon model, installed OS, and available utilities, Macs

can exchange files with Apple II computers via ProDOS and HFS 3.5"

diskettes. Macs with the A2 plug-in board can handle standard 5.25" A2







If your other computer is a Mac, you can format a Mac HFS

(standard) DS/DD 3.5" disk and the GS can read and write it if you have

the HFS FST installed. That's how I exchange files with a Mac...






From: Rubywand


002- How can I transfer and convert word processor files from an

Apple IIe to a PC Microsoft format (DOS, Word)?


There is a Sequential Systems package named "CrossWorks" which

lets you transfer Appleworks, Word Perfect, text, and other ProDOS files

to a PC and transform them to a variety of PC formats including those

which fit a variety of PC word processors. It includes Apple & PC

software plus an 8' cable which connects your IIe, IIc, IIc+, or IIGS to

a PC. Sequential is at . Their number for

orders is 800-759-4549.






From: Bill Mackin


003- Is there a way to transfer Apple II disks between a an Apple II

and a PC?


Sure. Yesterday I downloaded It was written by some

guy in Hong Kong. You buy a 25-pin male parallel port connector and two

8-pin DIP sockets from Radio Shack. He gives the wiring diagram for

connecting 9 wires between them. You type in a 6502 assembly program on

your apple at address 300. Save the program, shut things off, hook up

the wire from your PC printer port to the Apple Game Controller socket,

turn them on, and run his programs.


It copies whole Apple disk images over to the PC, or PC to Apple,

or individual files back and forth! It works great! I've already made

26 disk images from my old Apple disks (great for backup, too!) and have

been playing the games from them, moving games around, etc.


I only had one problem with the ap2222pc program; the first time I

ran it, my PC was already in Windows and I had printed something to a HP

LaserJet IV from it; when I turned the Apple on after hooking up the

cable, the Apple locked up, giving me several different hi-res graphics

screens in series, no beep, and no cursor. The problem went away when I

turned the Apple on first, then the PC.






From: Rubywand


004- How do I transfer files between computers using NULL modem?


You will need a NULL modem connector and each computer needs a

modem cable and telecom program. A IIe or II+ will also need a serial



____________ ____________

| PC or Mac | | Apple II |

| running a | | running a |

| telecom | <--modem--> [NULL modem] <--modem--> | telecom |

| program | cable [connector ] cable | program |

|____________| |____________|



"NULL modem" means "no modem". A NULL modem connector is just a pair

of connectors wired 'back to back' with a few lines switched so that

each computer views the other pretty much as though it were a modem.

NULL modem connectors can be found at Radio Shack for a few dollars or

you can make your own.


On the Apple II side, you can choose from several good telecom

programs. Since you would like to be able to do z-modem transfers, good

choices include Intrec's ProTerm-A2 3.1 (Enhanced IIe -- IIgs), MGR

Software's Modem MGR (II+ -- IIgs), AnsiTerm (IIgs), and Spectrum

(IIgs). You can also choose from many freeware and shareware programs.

Generally, these support x-modem but do not support z-modem.


If you're running under a current version of Windows, HyperTerm

works very nicely on the PC side. (For sending Text files from PC to

Apple under HT, be sure to uncheck "send line enders" in the ASCII

settings.) If there is a choice of terminal emulations, it seems best

to stick with something simple, such as "TTY". A good NULL modemming

program for running under DOS is Telemate, commonly available as

shareware. Many other telecom programs are available and work fine under

current Windows, old Windows, and DOS. Similarly, there is a good

selection of Mac telecom wares.


To do transfers, you just connect the modem cable from each machine

to the NULL modem connector. If your PC or Mac has a spare COM port, the

connection can remain in place without disrupting normal net connections

through the other COM port. For a GS, the modem cable should be a "high

speed" type which allows hardware handshaking and this option should be

set in the GS telecom software. The same is true for other Apple II's

running at 9600 baud or above.


Set the same format (8-N-1) and baud rate on each telecom program.

(The format will, almost always, already be set to 8 bits-No parity-1

Stop bit.) A good first-try speed setting is 9600 baud. If errors

indicate this is too fast for either machine, you can move down to 2400

baud. An accelerated GS running Spectrum can connect with modern PC's

running HyperTerm at 56k baud or better.


Note: Spectrum (and most other newer Apple II telecom programs) do not

require that you modify Control Panel settings for speed and

handshaking. Since Spectrum directly accesses the GS serial port, speed,

etc. settings are done in the program. (By the way, this frees-up Slot 2

-- the GS modem firmware Slot-- for any peripheral card which needs to

have its Slot set to "Your Card" in the Control Panel.)


Place each program in terminal mode-- often, this is the default

mode. Or, the particular telecom program may have menu items or buttons

you select for specific kinds of transfers.


Next, you will usually select the function (send or receive) on

each machine and the protocol. The protocol should be the same on both

machines. Z-modem is the best choice for most single or multiple file

transfers. Text files can be an exception (see the next question). A

plain ASCII transfer will circumvent most problems but is slower; and,

you may need to send and receive/capture files one-by-one instead of in



Finally, you will select the file or files to send or "Open".


Usually, it is best to start Receive on the target machine before

starting Send on the source machine. If you find that one telecom

program or the other does not give you enough time to start Send-- i.e.

it keeps "timing out"-- change the program's "Time Out", "Inactivity

Delay", etc. setting.



Note: Some telecom programs may expect an end-of-send signal which the

sending program does not supply. Pressing CTRL-X or RETURN on the Apple

II or ESC on the PC often seems to work okay for terminating the Send.




From: Jeff Blakeney


You don't need to manually tell Spectrum or other modern telecom

programs to receive a file each time you do a Z-modem transfer. Just

make sure that you have Auto Receives turned ON. In Spectrum the setting

is in the Settings/File Transfer/Receive Options... dialog.






From: Rubywand


005- How do I NULL-modem Text files without getting garbage?


The main problem in A2-PC Text file transfers is that Text files

created by the PC use a CR _and_ an LF to end a line whereas Apple

II-created Text files use just a CR. So; PC files show up on Apple II

displays with annoying "#" or inverse "?" symbols; and, Apple II files

show up on PC displays with long, un-terminated lines interspersed with

block symbols.


For PC-to-A2 Text file transfers, Z-modem, X-modem, etc. usually

work fine if you have some way to deal with the extra Control

characters, mainly line feeds. On the GS, Appleworks 5 does a good job

of automatically cleaning out such garbage; and, Text editors like

ShadowWrite and CoolWriter have options to quickly strip out offending

line-feed Control characters. Some telecom programs, including Spectrum,

have Text editors which can strip out Control characters and perform

other manipulations to clean up a file.


An alternative is to do a plain ASCII Text transfer. (The PC

telecom program should be told _not_ to add line feeds or "line

enders".) Depending upon your A2 telecom program, the result may be

saved from your Capture Buffer, captured directly to an on-disk Text

file, or selected and saved from the Scrollback buffer.


Similarly, for A2-to-PC Text transfers, you can use Z-modem or some

other block transfer protocol if you have a PC utility which can convert

Apple II text to text PC's like. For example, one way to send several

Text files is to put them in a .SHK file, z-modem them to the PC, and

use Nulib (v3.24) to unshrink the files in PC Text format.


Otherwise, you are probably better off doing a Text transfer. Set

your A2 telecom program to "send LF's". If there is a "Prompting" option

it should be OFF. Do an "ASCII Text", "Plain Text", etc. Send. The PC

telecom program should be set to Receive Text if this option is

available. If it is not, you will be able to select and save the text

from the PC program's display or save the text from some capture buffer.


Note: Some programs with a "Receive Text" option may expect some

end-of-send signal which the sending program does not supply. Pressing

CTRL-X on the Apple II or ESC on the PC often seems to work okay for

terminating the Send. For example, Telemate will ask if you wish to

abort the transfer-- you answer "Y"es-- but, the file will still be

saved on the PC.




From: Edhel Iaur, Esq.


Appleworks 5.x seems to do a pretty good job of cleaning up text

files from the net. (e.g. it automatically clears out the annoying LF's

which show up in most text file viewers.) There is, also, a standard

Awks macro which will get rid of end-of-every-line CR's.





From: Rubywand


006- Does anyone have directions for making a "NULL Modem" cable?


A NULL modem is two 25-pin female sockets (call them "A" and "B")

wired back-to-back as follows ...


Socket-A Socket-B


1 -> 1

2 -> 3

3 -> 2

4 & 5 -> 8

6 & 22 -> 20

7 -> 7

8 -> 4 & 5

20 -> 6 & 22



If you can find a couple old-style DIN-25 plug casings, the sockets

can be mounted and the casings can be glue-gunned together to make a

nice compact unit.


For GS-PC (or Mac, etc.) transfers, you plug the modem cable from

the GS into one side of the NULL modem and the modem cable from the PC

into the other side. If the PC has a 9-pin serial port connector, use a

9-to-25 adaptor cable to connect to the NULL modem. Similarly, if the

Mac cable has a special connector, use a converter to a male DB-25

connector for plugging into the NULL modem.




007- What is the maximum length for a computer-to-computer

NULL modem hardware-handshaking connection?


Most texts agree that around 50 feet is the 'safe' maximum length.





008- I'm using the Super Serial Card. What cable should I use

to get Hardware Handshaking?


According to a diagram in the "Modem Works" manual, there is a

special modem cable recommended for connecting to a Super Serial Card to

get hardware handshaking flow control:


SSC side Modem side

25-pin 25-pin


2 -------> 2

3 <------- 3

4 -------> 4

5 & 8 <--- 5

6 <------- 8

7 <------> 7

20 ------> 20


For NULL modem transfers, the Modem side plugs into the NULL modem






From: Tae Song (White Wolf)


009- Does anyone out there in Net.Land have the pin connections

to use for a GS CTS/RTS hardware handshake compatible

"High-Speed" modem cable?


View is looking into the cable connector/plug at the pins.


Male Mini-Din 8 RS-232 Male DB-25


6 7 8 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

3 4 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 2


DIN-8 DB-25 Signal Discription


3 2 TD (Transmit Data)

5 3 RD (Receive Data)

4,8 7 GND (Ground)

2 5 CTS (Clear to Send)

1 4,20 RTS & DTR (Ready to Send and Data Term Ready)

7 8 DCD (Data Carrier Dectect)






From: Richard Der


010- I have an Apple IIe and was wondering what is the fastest

modem I can use on it?


The Super Serial Card and compatible serial cards max out at 19200.

As a result, 14.4 modems are the fastest modems that can be used on the

IIe. A 28.8 modem will work; but it will automatically switch into 14.4





011- Does what applies to the IIe also apply to the //c and IIgs?


For the //c, mainly it does. The //c requires a different cable. If

your //c is a IIc Plus, you can use a Macintosh modem cable with it.

These are available in most computer stores.


What is said about the IIe applies to the IIGS except:


1) The IIGS port can easily go up to 57600, so faster modems

are no problem.

2) The IIGS uses Macintosh modem cables available in any

computer store.


3) The IIGS can use its own modem software, such as Spectrum

which is more powerful and graphical.


4) You will be able to use your normal PC style internet

connection when a GS graphical web browser is ready.

A GS TCP/IP already exists.






From: Gareth Jones


012- What telecom programs run on Apple II computers?


KERMIT: This runs on any Apple II. It comes in DOS 3.3 and ProDOS

versions. It is free. It supports Kermit and XModem file transfer

protocols; VT52, VT100, and dumb terminal emulations. It is a little

harder to set up and use than some other programs, but works perfectly

well once you've done that. On a GS, remember to turn the "DCD Detect"

option in the modem control panel OFF, or it won't work.


Z.Link: a ProDOS system program that requires a IIe, //c, or IIgs. It

supports XModem and YModem file transfers; VT100 and partial VT220

emulations. The "macro" program that comes with it is simple, but fine

for some things, like auto-entering your password. A nice feature is

that ALL the options are shown and set in a single screen display,

reached by pressing Open-Apple-?. I used this program quite happily for

a number of years, so it is probably worth a download to see if it meets

your needs.


Talk is Cheap 4.0: An excellent program for the IIe, //c, or IIgs. It

requires an accelerator chip (e.g. a Zip Chip) in a IIe or //c to

communicate over 4800 baud. With the accelerator chip, you're fine up to

19,200 baud. It has an excellent scripting language, which was used as

the basis for Spectrum's scripting language. File transfer protocols are

Xmodem (various types, such as 4K xmodem and 1K xmodem) and Ymodem (for

downloads). The manual is a good tutorial for telecommunications. You

may be able to find an early shareware version on the nets or in your

User Group's Library.


ProTerm 3.1: I can't talk too much about this since I haven't used it. A

demo is available for trying out. What I CAN say is that this has been

the most popular commercial telecommunications program available for the

Apple II. The program supports many emulations, every file transfer

protocol I know (including Kermit), and if you have a mouse, it'll give

a mouse and pull-down-menus environment. If you don't have one, you

won't need it.


Telcom: This is a recent discovery for me: a telecommunications program

for the IIgs with Xmodem uploads and downloads, ymodem downloads, VT100

or ProTerm Special Extended terminal emulations. It runs only on the GS,

and uses a mouse-and-menus interface implemented on the text screen. It

is free, because it is a never-finished commercial product. The author,

Jawaid Bazyar, would like your comments on it. This is similar to Z.Link

in features (except no macros), and cheaper, but GS only.


Spectrum: This is the ONLY GS/OS telecommunications desktop program

(i.e., standard menus, the system clipboard for cutting and pasting,

etc.). VERY strong scripting language that even supports sounds, icons,

fonts, colours, clickable buttons (like HyperCard). It supports most

terminal emulations, many file transfer protocols (e.g. Zmodem, though

not Kermit. Yet). The author and publisher have released version 2.0 and

are committed to developing it further.


ANSITerm: from Parkhurst Micro Products. Paul Parkhurst's program is

supposedly the best colour ANSI graphics available on a GS. It supports

macros, many file transfer protocols, and there is a demo version to try

out. GS users only.




From: Rubywand


Another very good program is Modem MGR from MGR Software. It runs

on any Apple II and works with a wide range of modems, 80-column boards,

and clock cards. MM supports popular protocols from x-modem through

z-modem and many terminal emulations. The last number I have for MGR

Software is 714-993-0294.





From: Tom Kelly


013- What are the settings for the Apple Super Serial Card?



Recomended slots:

slot 1 for terminal use (e.g. printer)

slot 2 for communication use (e.g. modem)

Jumper Block:

for communication use label is upside down (arrow points up)

for terminal use label is right side up (arrow points down)


Note that RS-232-C signals on the SSC use negative-true logic; that is,

they are true at 0v and false at +5 volts.

SW1 Dip Switch Settings:


Baud SW1-1 SW1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 SW1-8

50 on on on off not used

75 on on off on "

110 on on off off "

135 on off on on "

150 on off on off "

300 on off off on "

600 on off off off "

1200 off on on on "

1800 off on on off "

2400 off on off on "

3600 off on off off "

4800 off off on on "

7200 off off on off "

9600 off off off on "

19200 off off off off "

Switch Settings For Communication mode:


SW1-5; SW1-6; SW1-7 are all set on

Data Parity Stop SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 SW2-4

Bits Bits

7 none 1 on off off on

7 odd 1 on off on off

7 even 1 on off off off

7 none 2 off off off on

7 odd 2 off off on off

7 even 2 off off off off

8 none 1 on on off on

8 odd 1 on on on off

8 even 1 on on off off

8 none 2 off on off on

8 odd 2 off on on off

8 even 2 off on off off

Note: SW2-1 thru SW2-4 settings can be overridden by software.



ON for linefeed out

OFF for no linefeed out



ON for baud rates greater than 1199 baud



OFF in communication mode



Not used

Connector Pin Assignments


10-Pin DB-25

Header Connector Signal Name


1 1 Frame Ground

2 2 Transmit Data (TXD)

3 3 Receive Data (RXD)

4 4 Request To Send (RTS)

5 5 Clear To Send (CTS)

6 6 Data Set Ready (DSR)

7 19 Secondary Clear To Send (SCTS)

8 7 Signal Ground

9 20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

10 8 Data Carrier Detect (DCD)


Pins 1-7 and 2-7 are set together to determine the SSC pin to be read

for the Hardware Handshaking signal. Generally set to monitor Pin #20.

Common Configurations: [Don't Forget The JUMPER Block]

Hi Speed Modem ImageWriter I/II

1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567








From: Kevin M. Carr


014- Could someone who has an Applied Engineering Serial Pro

card please post a list of the dip switch settings for

the 2 banks of switches?


I use an AE Serial Pro in my //e to connect to my ImageWriter II.

All of the DIP switches are set to OPEN (switch down). The switch block

next to the printer interface connector is for hardware handshaking

signals. (Copied without any permission whatsoever from the AE Serial

Pro User's Manual.)


o Switch 1, when closed, select pin 4 (Request to send) as the flow

control handshaking line. Some printers which use this line are: Data

General TP2; Heath H-25; Olympia ESW102/103; QUME Sprint 5; and

Smith-Corona TP1


o Switch 2, when closed, selects pin 11 which is, according to

RS-232-C specifications, undefined and is used by some serial printers

as a printer-ready signal. Some Centronics, Texas Instruments, and Epson

serial printers may use this pin.


o Switch 3, when closed, selects pin 19 (Secondary Request to Send) as

the handshaking line. Some of the printers that use this pin are the

Anadex DP8000/9000, Bell TP-1000, Lear Seigler 310, NEC 3500/7700, and

Digital Equipment (DEC) LA-series serial printers.


o Switch 4, when closed, selects pin 20 (Data Terminal Ready) as not

only the device-available handshaking line but also as the data-flow-

control line. Some Diablo, C.Itoh, Okidata, QUME, Tectronics, or

Xerox printers may use this handshaking signal.


o When all of the switches are open, Data Terminal Ready (DB-25

pin 20) is the only line monitored as the hardware handshaking

line from your printer. This supports most popular serial printers.



The second set of DIP swithces (close to the front of the card) is

for generating Maskable (IRQ) and Non Maskable (NMI) interrupts from the

6551 Asynchronous Communications Interface Adaptor (ACIA) chip and the

6818 clock chip. The swithces select the type and source of interrupt

request. Normally all switches are in the OPEN position.


o Switch 1: IRQ from 6551


o Switch 2: NMI from 6551


o Switch 3: IRQ from 6818


o Switch 4: NMI from 6818







From: Cyrus Roton <>


015- What are the switch settings for the old

Apple Serial Interface card?


The switch settings are as follows:


1 2 3 baud rate

on on on 110

off on on 134.5

on off on 300

off off on 1200

on on off 2400

off on off 4800

on off off 9600

off off off 19200


sw 4 off = enable delay after CR


5 6 line wt video

on on 40 enable

off on 72 disable

on off 80 disable

off off 132 disable


sw 7 off = enable LF after CR







From: Supertimer


016- I've heard that I can use some sort of printer cable to do

NULL modem transfers with between my IIc and a PC. Which cable?


Get an "Apple IIc to ImageWriter I" cable. It has a DIN-5 plug on

one end and a standard DB-25 plug on the other with the correct line

swapping for NULL modem. Depending upon whether your PC connection is to

a 25-pin or 9-pin port and whether or not an extension cable is used,

you may also need a DB-25 to DB-9 cable and/or a DB-25 gender changer.

(The latter are standard items at many computer stuff stores.)





From: David Empson


017- What kind of cable should I use to connect a modem

to my IIc?


Here is the pinout of the IIc serial port looking at the back of the



DIN-5F (female)

socket with

Apple's numbering


5 1

4 2



The functions are:


1 Handshake Out (nominally DTR)

2 Data Out (TxD)

3 Ground

4 Data In (RxD)

5 Handshake In (nominally DSR)



To connect a IIc to a typical modem use the following pinout

for a non-hardware handshaking cable:


IIc Modem

DIN-5M DB-25M DIN-5 DB-25

plug male connector

1 Handshake Out 20 DTR

2 Data Out 2 TxD 1 5 ,--------/ /---------.

3 Ground 7 Gnd 2 4 \ 1 2 ... 12 13 /

4 Data In 3 RxD 3 \ 14 ... 25 /

5 Handshake In 6 DSR* `------/ /-------'


*You might want to use pin 8, DCD in some cases.



To connect a IIc to a modem with a 9-pin connector you can use

the pinout below for a non-hardware handshaking cable:


IIc Modem


plug male connector

1 Handshake Out 4 DTR

2 Data Out 3 TxD 1 5 ,--------/ /---------.

3 Ground 5 Gnd 2 4 \ 1 2 ... 4 5 /

4 Data In 2 RxD 3 \ 6 ... 9 /

5 Handshake In 6 DSR* `------/ /-------'


*You might want to use pin 1, DCD in some cases.



The IIc cannot do hardware handshaking** very well, but this is as close

as you can get:


IIc Modem

DIN-5M DB-25M DIN-5 DB-25

plug male connector

1 Handshake Out 4 RTS

2 Data Out 2 TxD 1 5 ,--------/ /---------.

3 Ground 7 Gnd 2 4 \ 1 2 ... 12 13 /

4 Data In 3 RxD 3 \ 14 ... 25 /

5 Handshake In 5 CTS `------/ /-------'


** Note that you need comm software which supports hardware handshaking

on the IIc to do this properly. I expect ProTerm does, but Z-Link and

Talk Is Cheap almost certainly don't.



The IIc's handshaking lines have annoying side effects, which cause

problems with hardware handshaking:


1. The "Handshake Out" signal is implemented to mean "I want to send

data" (the official and original meaning of RTS). If you turn off the

output handshake line, the IIc will stop sending data. For a hardware

handshaking modem, RTS is supposed to mean "You are allowed to send me

data" (from the computer's point of view).


If the computer tells the modem to stop transmitting, the computer

will also be unable to transmit. This will reduce the rate at which

data can be transferred bidirectionally, but doesn't cause any other



2. The "Handshake In" signal is implemented to mean "There is receive

data present" (the official meaning of DCD). If the incoming handshake

line is disabled, the IIc will stop receiving data (ignore any data on

RxD). For a hardware handshaking modem, CTS is supposed to mean "You are

allowed to send me data" (from the modem's point of view).


If the modem tells the computer to stop transmitting, the computer

will also be unable to receive, and will discard any data sent by the

modem while CTS is not active. This can cause screen corruption and

loss of data blocks or acknowledgements during a file transfer, which

will require retransmission. It is only likely to be a problem while a

lot of data is being sent, so is more likely to cause problems during a

file upload than a download. If the comms software is quick enough, it

can drop RTS immediately when CTS is lowered, which will prevent the

modem from sending any more data.


The original IIc motherboard has another problem: it uses a cheap method

of generating the clock frequency for the serial ports. Most

implementations based on the 6551 chip use a 1.8432 MHz crystal, which

gives exact baud rates, but the IIc takes the master system clock

(14.31818 MHz in an American IIc) and divides it by eight to produce

1.7898 MHz. The 3% decrease in clock frequency produces a 3% drop in

the baud rate, which is enough to prevent operation with some serial

devices, particularly intelligent modems running at 1200 bps or faster.


This not always a problem, and I have successfully used one of these

IIc's with a ZyXEL U-1496E modem and a direct connection to a IIgs at

9600 bps. I have had problems in other cases.


You cannot identify whether you have this motherboard except by opening

up the computer and looking for a tell-tale component. (I don't have

the details handy.)


You can make a reasonable guess at whether you have the original

motherboard by checking which firmware version is installed in the IIc.

Get into BASIC, and type PRINT PEEK(64447).


If the value displayed is 255, then you have the original ROM, and

almost certainly have the original motherboard, though it might have

been modified to use a crystal.


If the value displayed is 0, then you might have the original

motherboard or the revised one. (This ROM version supports the UniDisk

3.5 drive.)


If the value displayed is 3 or 4, then you have the "memory expansion"

version of the firmware, and almost certainly have the latest

motherboard, which includes a memory expansion slot under the keyboard.


In theory, the IIc's maximum baud rate is 19200. Whether it can

actually keep up with that rate is another question. 9600 should be







From: SuperTimer


018- I have a good modem that has a standard RS232 serial port

and responds to standard "AT" commands; but, it has a DB-9

connector. Is there an adaptor or cable that will let me

connect the modem to my IIgs?


Yes; the cable to use is a Macintosh to Hayes Modem cable. This can

be found in any computer store. Just ask for a Mac to modem cable. All

new Mac cables are usually hardware handshake cables, so you should have

no trouble with higher speeds.





019- What is the maximum modemming speed I can get from my IIgs?


The IIGS can use much faster modems than is indicated by the

Control Panel. Using a hardware handshake cable and with the right third

party driver (like the one in Spectrum), the serial port can go up to

57600 baud.





020- How can I transfer files from PC to GS using Zip disks?


The trick is not to use MS-DOS, but instead use HFS. On the PC, you

need to install a program called MacDrive 98. This program allows

Windows 95 to read, write, and format HFS volumes. On the IIe, you need

a freeware program called A2fx. A2fx will read any HFS volume, even



With HFS as a link, you will be able to move files from your PC

onto Mac/HFS formatted Zip disks (no need to make 32MB partition) to

your IIe via A2fx. The reverse transfer needs another program, but I am

pretty sure that one exists to let the PC read ProDOS volumes.






From: Dave Althoff


021- How do I get an Applesoft program into a PC-DOS computer

in text format? Both computers have modems, but I have no

terminal program for the Apple.


Make sure that your serial ports are connected together, and run the

comm program on your PC. Now, for our purposes, lets assume you have the

serial card in Slot #2.


Force the PC into terminal mode.


Make sure the ][ is displaying a *40-column* screen.


Now, try typing "IN#2" on the ][. Type something on the PC. It should

appear on the Apple. (Cool, ain't it?!)


In fact, try typing "PR#2". On either computer. Now, you should get an

Applesoft prompt on your terminal screen! In fact, you can use the PC

comm program as a keyboard for your ][!


All right, at this point, you should have data flying back and forth

between the two machines. On the ][, type "POKE 33,33".


Now, on the PC, tell your comm program to start a text capture. Tell it

to add line feeds after carriage returns.


On the ][, load the BASIC program, and type LIST. The program listing

will appear on the Apple screen and be dumped into the PC comm program's

capture buffer.


To break communications, type "IN#0" and "PR#0" on the ][.





From: Jeff Blakeney


The only things I might add is that you have to make sure that the PC

and II's baud rates are the same. Preferably 19200 if you want a speedy



Second thing is that once you have typed IN#2 and PR#2 (or 1 if the

serial port is in slot 1) is that everything should be typed using the

PC keyboard. This is because anything you type on the II after those

two commands will NOT appear on the II's screen. It is much easier to

type it on the PC as everything you type and would normally be displayed

on the II will be displayed by the PC's terminal program.


I have actually used this method to transfer BASIC programs from my PC

to my II with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity at 19200 bps. It sure

makes things easier.




From: Dave Althoff


Actually, if you are working in 40-columns at least, when you do IN#2,

the console input is redirected through the SSC. Fortunately, the SSC

is kind enough to include keyboard reads in its data input loop, so IN#2

does not disable your keyboard. Likewise, so long as you are looking at

the 40-column screen, PR#2 redirects the output hook to the SSC, but the

SSC does writes back to the screen. So you don't lose your monitor







From: Brian Hammack


022- I want to use a faxmodem with my //GS. Is this possible? I

tried all kinds of choices from the install menu of Proterm

3.1. Is there a certain string required?


Yes. Only difference between a fax modem and a "regular" one is the

fax instruction set. I have a 28.8 fax modem on my GS.


Most likely, you have to use a "CTS/RTS" parms setting in the

Install, and an init string that handles things correctly. The book for

my 28.8 ultrageneric suggested AT&F [use default settings] but that

doesn't do the job. So the string I am using to trip all the triggers





Before that, I was using something that worked except at 2400:







From: John M. Davies


Just pointing out, the INIT string is not a function of the comm

program, it is a command to the modem itself, so any good comms package

should be able to send any sort of init string to the modem.


ATZ is the standard Hayes command to 'RESET MODEM TO DEFAULT'

settings, and must be on it's own line, hence the <return> character is

required. After that, most modems will also respond to standard Hayes

command set commands, but the individual modem in use will usually have

an extra set of commands provided by that modems manufacturer, to

support the unique 'features' of that particular brand of modem.


You will need to obtain the command set booklet provided with the

modem, to read the list of extra commands. Sadly, like printers, each

manufacturer has their own idea of what a good command set is, so no two

modems extended command sets are identical.


If you don't have the booklet, try searching the web site of the







From: SuperTimer, Greg Buchner, David Empson


023- Can I do modem-to-modem transfers between my home computers?


Maybe. One way is to use your in-home phone line. To connect, you

take a phone off the hook and connect using telecom programs on each

computer. You can connect and do transfers once the lines are free of

beeps, tones, etc. which indicate a phone is off the hook. If your phone

company is one that keeps beeping you forever, the connection will not

work. An alternative which some suggest is using a phone extension cord

to connect the modems.