SUBJECT: GSVT - VT100/4010 Emulator SHK AUTHOR: Gary D. Westfall UPLOADED BY: AFC GaryG DATE: 11193 File: GSVT.SHK (26756 bytes) Estimated Download Time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 67 EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Modem, printer optional Keywords: COM VT100 IBM OS: GSOS/ProDOS16 NOTE: Originally uploaded by FourPi ----------------- KEYWORDS: COM VT100 IBM GSVT v1.40 is a VT100 terminal emulator written for the IIGS in 65816 assembly language. GSVT emulates the VT100 keypad and arrow keys, supports underlining, inverse, graphics characters, and handles 4010 graphics commands. GSVT is uploaded as four files packed into one file using SHK. GSVT is a full desktop application running under GSOS/ProDOS16 and supports NDAs. ** This program virus checked with Exorciser by Vitesse. ** *** ShrinkIt is needed to unpack this file. ShrinkIt can be downloaded from "ShrinkIt Support Area" of the Communications Forum, Keyword, ACM.***