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6502 Assembly


The Little Tower is a 4.5 ko basic text adventure for the Apple1 written by me. It's a way to test the 6502 core for Pom1, but you're free to extend it. It compile under ca65 from the cc65 package (see links page for cc65 address).


The Wozniak Apple1 Monitor rewritten for Pom1. It compile under ca65.


C Source Code


This is a little and fully fonctionnal C ANSI 6502 desassembler for command line. Only officials Opcodes.


JAVA Source


Here is the Pom1 source code. Feel free to use it for your own Emulators. Just let me know !!

Contact : mr_gist@hotmail.com


Here is the source code for AppletIcon, the little animation in Applets section Titles. Param Info : redLevel -- int (0-255) -- Background red Level (default : 51) greenLevel -- int (0-255) -- Background green Level (default : 51) blueLevel -- int (0-255) -- Background blue Level (default : 153) texte -- String -- Text display (default : Applet)


The Little Apple Characters viewer. Param : filename, characNumber