This is a DB that indexes all articles in Computist from issue 1 through issue 89. For this posting the DB has been broken into two files: Computist.1 and Computist.2. Computist.1 is all references to non copy protection articles. It is 60K on disk file with 1,597 lines. Computist.2 is all references to copy protection articles. It is 119K on disk with 3,366 lines. Each file is an AppleWorks DB file that has been printed to disk as a text file with each field separated by a TAB. Sorry if you don't have enough memory to read this in all at once. Your best bet is to upgrade your memory. If that is impossible and you have access to a Unix machine you can use the "split" command to break the source into chunks your machine can handle. Kind Regards, Joe Walters Internet: or GEnie: J.L.Walters