SlotScan Version 1.60 is a program for ANY Apple computer with at least 64k. It tells you what kind and version of Apple computer you have, what kind of CPU is in that computer, and tells you how much memory you have. What gives this program it's name, though, is the fact that it scans your computer's slots and/or ports, telling you what is present in each one. It will describe in detail the individual devices attached to SmartPort cards or ports, and SCSI cards which may be in your system. It will identify the capacity of any drives which are supported by ProDOS. Read the included documentation for more information. There are several new features in this version, including reporting on memory in RamWorks/CheckMate compatable cards in the //e and //c, showing the manufacturer ID & name for SmartPort cards/ports, identifying the type of CPU, and not crashing if run from DOS 3.3. Of course, all known bugs have been fixed too. SlotScan is Copyright 1989-1994 by Robert S. Claney.