In article <>, wrote: > can someone please post code that will > accomplish the following from Prodos > in assembly language? > > bload file,a$2000 > > Rich SOURCE FILE #01 =>BLOAD.S 0000: 2000 1 FSTART EQU $2000 0000: 8000 2 FBUF1 EQU $8000 0000: BF00 3 MLI EQU $BF00 Call MLI 0000: FD0C 4 GETKEY EQU $FD0C 0000: FD8E 5 CROUT EQU $FD8E 0000: FDDA 6 PRBYTE EQU $FDDA 0000: FDED 7 COUT EQU $FDED ----- NEXT OBJECT FILE NAME IS TEST 0800: 0800 8 ORG $0800 0800: 9 * Open the file 0800:A9 91 10 LDA #>FNAME1 0802:8D 66 08 11 STA ONAME 0805:A9 08 12 LDA #, wrote: > Thank you John. > > > Rich You're welcome! Here's different approach using a single parameter block:: -- John jmatthews at wright dot edu www dot wright dot edu/~john.matthews/