/* * apwerr.h - text versions of APW and ProDOS 16 error codes * ERROR() didn't cut it, and I'm trying to separate things from the shell. * * NuLib v3.0 February 1991 Freeware (distribute, don't sell) * By Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu) */ /* APW-specific UNIX-like errors */ /* [ this is derived from: ] errno.h -- error return codes Copyright American Telephone & Telegraph Modified and used with permission, Apple Computer Inc. Copyright Apple Computer Inc. 1985, 1986, 1987 All rights reserved. */ /* @(#)errno.h 2.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ #define sys_nerr 35 /* err must be < Max APW Err */ static char *sys_errlist[sys_nerr] = { /* 0 (no err) */ "[ call successful ]", /* 1 EPERM */ "permission denied", /* 2 ENOENT */ "no such file or directory", /* 3 ENORSRC */ "no such resource", /* 4 EINTR */ "interrupted system call", /* 5 EIO */ "I/O error", /* 6 ENXIO */ "no such device or address", /* 7 E2BIG */ "insufficient space for return argument", /* 8 ENOEXEC */ "exec format error", /* 9 EBADF */ "bad file number", /* 10 ECHILD */ "no children", /* 11 EAGAIN */ "no more processes", /* 12 ENOMEM */ "not enough memory", /* 13 EACCES */ "permission denied", /* 14 EFAULT */ "bad address", /* 15 ENOTBLK */ "block device required", /* 16 EBUSY */ "mount device busy", /* 17 EEXIST */ "file exists", /* 18 EXDEV */ "cross-device link", /* 19 ENODEV */ "no such device", /* 20 ENOTDIR */ "not a directory", /* 21 EISDIR */ "is a directory", /* 22 EINVAL */ "invalid argument", /* 23 ENFILE */ "file table overflow", /* 24 EMFILE */ "too many open files", /* 25 ENOTTY */ "not a typewriter (sorry)", /* 26 ETXTBSY */ "text file busy", /* 27 EFBIG */ "file too large", /* 28 ENOSPC */ "no space left on device", /* 29 ESPIPE */ "illegal seek", /* 30 EROFS */ "read only file system", /* 31 EMLINK */ "too many links", /* 32 EPIPE */ "broken pipe", /* 33 EDOM */ "math arg out of domain of func", /* 34 ERANGE */ "math result not representable" }; /* ProDOS errors */ /* [ This is derived from: ] /******************************************** ; File: ProDos.h ; ; ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986, 1987 ; All Rights Reserved ; ********************************************/ #define MPErr 0x61 /* err must be < Max ProDOS Err # */ static char *ProDOSErr[MPErr] = { /* 00 (no error) */ "[ ProDOS call successful ]", /* 01 invalidCallNum */ "invalid call number / (fatal) unclaimed intr", /* 02 */ "", /* 03 */ "", /* 04 */ "(ProDOS 8 invalid parameter count)", /* 05 badPBlockPtr */ "call pointer out of bounds", /* 06 pdosActiveErr */ "ProDOS is active", /* 07 pdosBusyErr */ "ProDOS is busy", /* 08 */ "", /* 09 */ "", /* 0a vcbUnusable */ "(fatal) VCB is unusable", /* 0b fcbUnusable */ "(fatal) FCB is unusable", /* 0c badBlockZero */ "(fatal) block zero allocated illegally", /* 0d shdwInterruptErr */ "(fatal) interrupt occurred while I/O shadowing off", /* 0e */ "", /* 0f */ "", /* 10 devNotFound */ "device not found", /* 11 badDevRefNum */ "invalid device ref# / (fatal) wrong OS version", /* 12 */ "", /* 13 */ "", /* 14 */ "", /* 15 */ "", /* 16 */ "", /* 17 */ "", /* 18 */ "", /* 19 */ "", /* 1a */ "", /* 1b */ "", /* 1c */ "", /* 1d */ "", /* 1e */ "", /* 1f */ "", /* 20 badReqCode */ "invalid request code", /* 21 */ "", /* 22 */ "", /* 23 */ "", /* 24 */ "", /* 25 intTableFull */ "interrupt table full", /* 26 invalidOperation */ "invalid operation", /* 27 ioError */ "I/O error", /* 28 noDevConnect */ "no device connected", /* 29 */ "", /* 2a */ "", /* 2b writeProtectErr */ "write protect error", /* 2c */ "", /* 2d */ "", /* 2e diskSwitchErr */ "disk switched error", /* 2f */ "device not online", /* 30 */ "device-specific err $30", /* 31 */ "device-specific err $31", /* 32 */ "device-specific err $32", /* 33 */ "device-specific err $33", /* 34 */ "device-specific err $34", /* 35 */ "device-specific err $35", /* 36 */ "device-specific err $36", /* 37 */ "device-specific err $37", /* 38 */ "device-specific err $38", /* 39 */ "device-specific err $39", /* 3a */ "device-specific err $3a", /* 3b */ "device-specific err $3b", /* 3c */ "device-specific err $3c", /* 3d */ "device-specific err $3d", /* 3e */ "device-specific err $3e", /* 3f */ "device-specific err $3f", /* 40 badPathName */ "invalid pathname syntax", /* 41 */ "", /* 42 fcbFullErr */ "FCB full error (too many files open)", /* 43 badFileRefNum */ "invalid file reference number", /* 44 pathNotFound */ "path not found", /* 45 volumeNotFound */ "volume not found", /* 46 fileNotFound */ "file not found", /* 47 dupFileName */ "duplicate file name", /* 48 volumeFullErr */ "volume full error", /* 49 dirFullErr */ "directory full error", /* 4a versionErr */ "version error (incompatible file format)", /* 4b badStoreType */ "unsupported (or incorrect) storage type", /* 4c eofEncountered */ "end-of-file encountered", /* 4d positionRangeErr */ "position out of range", /* 4e accessErr */ "access not allowed", /* 4f */ "", /* 50 fileOpenErr */ "file already open", /* 51 dirDamaged */ "directory structure is damaged (file count?)", /* 52 badVolType */ "unsupported volume type", /* 53 paramRangeErr */ "parameter out of range", /* 54 memoryFullErr */ "out of memory", /* 55 vcbFullErr */ "VCB full error", /* 56 */ "(ProDOS 8 bad buffer address)", /* 57 dupVolumeErr */ "duplicate volume error", /* 58 notBlkDevErr */ "not a block device", /* 59 invalidLevel */ "invalid level", /* 5a */ "block number out of range (bad vol bitmap?)", /* 5b */ "illegal pathname change", /* 5c */ "not an executable file", /* 5d */ "file system not available", /* 5e */ "cannot deallocate /RAM", /* 5f */ "return stack overflow", /* 60 */ "data unavailable" };