Most existing Apple disk manipulation utilities run on MS-DOS systems, and even that set of utilities is not complete. I would like utilities that read the disk catalog, extract all files from the disk image, put files into a disk image, and convert tokenized BASIC programs to and from ASCII source. And I'd like portable source code in the archive so that the utilities could run on more than one platform. Others may want additional utilities. I hope that this file will be useful to programmers more skillful than I am. ****** The Apple ][ DOS 3.3 Disk Format ***** (Taken without permission from _Beneath Apple DOS_, by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner.) Note: In the following description, any number beginning with a $ is in hexadecimal (base 16) format. Numbers without an initial $ are in decimal (base 10) format. A normal Apple ][ DOS 3.3 format disk is divided into 35 tracks (numbered 0-34). Each track contains 16 sectors (numbered 0-15). Sectors are 256 bytes. 35 * 16 * 256 = 143360, the exact number of bytes in a disk image. If the .bin file size is either 143488 or 143616 bytes, then additional bytes have been added to the file. This may be in the form of a header for the Apple Macintosh. The Apple2000 emulator for the Amiga computer and apple emulators for MS-DOS systems use 143360 byte disk images. Any extra bytes should be removed. In 143488 and 143616 byte files, the disk image's sector 0 probably starts at offset $00080 (decimal 128) in the file. A utility such as StripQ (for the Amiga, on Fish disk 750) will do the job, and similar utilities exist for other systems. Once the 143360 byte disk file has been written, sector 0 begins at offset $00000 in the file, sector 1 is at offset $00100, and so on. The catalog lies on track 17. The beginning of track 17 is at offset $11000 (decimal 69632) of a 143360 byte file. Track 17's sector zero holds the Volume Table of Contents, and the other sectors hold file names. The following information is for track 17 ($11): sector 0 = Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) BYTE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------- $00 Not used. $01 Track number of first catalog sector $02 Sector number of first catalog sector $03 Release number of DOS used to INIT this diskette $04-$05 Not used $06 Diskette volume number $07-$26 Not used $27 Maximum number of track/sector pairs that will fit in one file/track sector list sector (122 for 256 byte sectors) $28-$2F Not used $30 Last track where sectors were allocated $31 Direction of track allocation (+1 or -1) $32-$33 Not used $34 Number of tracks per diskette (normally 35) $35 Number of sectors per track $36-$37 Number of bytes per sector (LO/HI format) $38-$3B Bit map of free sectors in track 0 $3C-$3F Bit map of free sectors in track 1 $40-$43 Bit map of free sectors in track 2 Bit map continues ... $BC-$BF Bit map of free sectors in track 33 $C0-$C3 Bit map of free sectors in track 34 $C4-$FF Bit maps for additional tracks if there are more than 35 tracks per diskette BIT MAPS OF FREE SECTORS ON A GIVEN TRACK. A four byte binary string of ones and zeros, representing free and allocated sectors respectively. Hexadecimal sector numbers are assigned to bit positions as follows: BYTE SECTORS ---- ------- +1 FEDC BA98 +2 7654 3210 +3 .... .... (Not used) +4 .... .... (Not used) Thus if only sectors E and 8 are free and all others are allocated, the bit map will be 41000000 where byte 1 = $41, byte 2 = $00, byte 3 = $00, byte 4 = $00. (The bit map will be 0100 0001 0000 0000 0000 000 0000 0000.) If all sectors are free, the bit map will be FFFF0000 THE CATALOG The locations of the first catalog track and sector are held in bytes $01 and $02 of the VTOC. Typically the catalog resides in the rest of the sectors of track 17. Typically the first set of seven files names are in track 17, sector 15; the second set of seven file names are in track 17, sector 14; and so on to track 17, sector 1. Thus a typical catalog can hold 7*15 names, or a maximum of 105 files. CATALOG SECTOR FORMAT BYTE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------- $00 Not used $01 Track number of the next catalog sector (usually $11) $02 Sector number of next catalog sector $03-$0A Not used $0B-$2D First file descriptive entry $2E-$50 Second file descriptive entry $51-$73 Third file descriptive entry $74-$96 Fourth file descriptive entry $97-$B9 Fifth file descriptive entry $BA-$DC Sixth file descriptive entry $DD-$FF Seventh file descriptive entry FILE DESCRIPTIVE ENTRY FORMAT Each file descriptive entry contains a total of 35 ($23) bytes. The relative byte is the number starting at the beginning of each file descriptive entry. RELATIVE BYTE DESCRIPTION ------------- ----------- $00 Track of first track/sector list sector. If this is a deleted file, this byte contains $FF and the original track number is copied to last byte of the file name field (BYTE $20). If this byte contains a $00, the entry is assumed to have never been used and is available for use. (This means that track 0 can never be used for data entry if the DOS image is wiped off the diskette.) $01 Sector of the first track/sector list sector $02 File type and sector flags: $80 + file type - file is locked $00 + file type - file is not locked $00 - TEXT file $01 - INTEGER BASIC file $02 - APPLESOFT BASIC file $04 - BINARY file $08 - S type file $10 - RELOCATABLE object module file $20 - A type file $40 - B type file (Thus, $84 is a locked BINARY file, and $90 is a locked R type file.) $03-$20 File name (30 characters) $21-$22 Length of the file in sectors (LO/HI format). The CATALOG command will only format the LO byte of this length giving 1-255, but a full 65535 may be stored here. TRACK/SECTOR LIST Each file has associated with it a "track/sector" list sector. This sector contains a list of track/sector pointer pairs that sequentially list the data sectors which make up the file. The file descriptive entry in the catalog sector points to this T/S list sector which, in turn, points to each sector in the file. The format of a Track/Sector List sector is given below. Note that since even a minimal file requires one T/S List sector and one data sector, the least number of sectors a non-empty file can have is 2, the value given when the CATALOG command is done. Also, note that a very large file, having more than 122 data sectors, will need more than one Track/Sector List to hold all the Track/Sector pointer pairs. TRACK/SECTOR LIST FORMAT BYTE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------- $00 Not used $01 Track number of next T/S List sector if one was needed or zero if no more T/S List sectors $02 Sector number of next T/S List sector (if present) $03-$04 Not used $05-$06 Sector offset in this file of the first sector described by this list (probably 0000, meaning zero bytes offset from byte $0C) $07-$0B Not used $0C-$0D Track and sector of first data sector or zeros $0E-$0F Track and sector of second data sector or zeros $10-$FF Up to 120 more Track/Sector pairs A sequential file ends when the first zero T/S List entry is encountered. A random file, however, can have spaces within it which were never allocated and therefor have no data sectors allocated in the T/S List. This distinction is not always handled correctly by DOS. The VERIFY command, for instance, stops when it gets to the first zero T/S List entry and can not be used to verify some random organization text files. Following the Track/Sector pointer in the T/S List, we come to the first data sector of the file. As we examine the data sectors, the differences between the file types become apparent. All file (except perhaps a random TEXT file) are considered to be continuous streams of data, even though they are broken up into 256 byte chunks to fit in a sector. Using the Track/Sector List, DOS can read each sector of the file in the correct order. TEXT FILES The TEXT data type consists of one or more records, separated by a carriage return character ($8D). Usually the end of a TEXT file is signalled by either a $00 or the lack of any more data. BINARY FILES A BINARY file is an exact copy of the memory involved, that is written to the disk sector(s). The first four bytes of the file are a two byte memory address where the file is loaded into memory, followed by a two byte length of the file. Both the load address and the length are in LO/HI format. The address and length are those given in the A and L keywords from the BSAVE command that created the file. Note that DOS writes one extra byte to the file, though that does not matter because DOS only reads the exact number of bytes given in the length field. APPLESOFT AND INTEGER FILES A BASIC program, be it APPLESOFT or INTEGER, is saved to the diskette in a way that is similar to BSAVE. DOS determines the location of the BASIC program image in memory and its length. Since all BASIC programs have the same start address, it is not necessary to store the start address in the file as is necessary for binary files. The length is stored, however, as the first two bytes, followed by the tokenized program image from memory. Notice that again DOS writes an additional byte, even though it will be ignored by the LOAD command. OTHER FILE TYPES (S, R, NEW A, NEW B) While provision was made for additional file types, no DOS commands use them. The only exception is the R type, the output file type produced by the DOS TOOLKIT assembler. --