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Index Last Updated: Thu Aug 16 0:32:17 2001

Parent Directory at Master Site: http://trenco2.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno
Current Directory at Master Site: http://trenco2.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/text.utils
Current Directory: /pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/text.utils

Most files are available by three methods. The file name link downloads files from the server you are currently on using the HTTP protocol. The HTTP and FTP links following the file name will retrieve the file from the master Trenco archive using the HTTP or FTP protocols, respectively.

awk.100.shk (100 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

awk Pattern-directed scanning and processing language. [version 1.0] This archive contains only the precompiled binary and documentation.

awk.100s.shk (133 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

awk Pattern-directed scanning and processing language. [version 1.0] This archive contains only sources and documentation.

col.100.shk (62 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

col Filter reverse line feeds from input. [version 1.0]

colrm.100.shk (40 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

colrm Removes specified columns from a text file [version 1.0]

column.100.shk (56 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

column Columnate lists. [version 1.0]

comm.100.shk (42 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

comm Select or reject lines common to two files. [version 1.0]

cut.100.shk (21 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

cut Select portions of each line of a file. [version 1.0]

diff.100.shk (217 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

diff Show differences in files. This is a port based on GNU diff v2.6. Some less-used features have been temporarily disabled for v1.0. [version 1.0]

diff.100s.shk (840 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

diff Show differences in files. This is a port based on GNU diff v2.6. Some less-used features have been temporarily disabled for v1.0. This archive includes source. [version 1.0]

dsort.100.shk (63 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

dsort Sort a text file on disk lexicographically. Archived together with msort. [version 1.0] This is a symbolic link to sorts.100.shk

egrep.120s.shk (28 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

egrep Finds regular expressions, with an extended regular expression syntax. [version 1.2] This is a symbolic link to grep.120s.shk

egrep.130s.shk (14 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

egrep Finds regular expressions, with an extended regular expression syntax. [version 1.3] This is a symbolic link to grep.130s.shk

fgrep.200.shk (31 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

fgrep Finds regular expressions. [version 2.0]

fgrep.210.shk (31 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

fgrep Finds regular expressions. [version 2.1]

fill.270.shk (12 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

fill This is a simple text filter used for filling paragraphs. [version 2.7]

grep.120s.shk (28 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

grep Finds regular expressions. Source included. [version 1.2]

grep.130s.shk (14 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

grep Finds regular expressions. Source included. [version 1.3]

indent.191.shk (235 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

indent Format C programs in a variety of styles. [version 1.9.1]

joinpara.10.shk (14 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

joinpara A filter to strip newlines from the middle of paragraphs, but not elsewhere. Written to ease the importing of text files into word processor documents. [version 1.0]

jot.100.shk (61 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

jot Print sequential or random data. [version 1.0]

lam.100.shk (46 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

lam Laminate files (displays files side by side). [version 1.0]

line.100.shk (6 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

line Standard unix utility to read a line from standard input and display it to standard output. [version 1.0]

msort.100.shk (63 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

msort Sort a text file in memory lexicographically. Archived together with dsort. [version 1.0] This is a symbolic link to sorts.100.shk

paste.100.shk (52 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

paste Merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files. [version 1.0]

patch.100.shk (143 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

patch Apply diffs to an original file. This is based on BSD patch v2.0pl12u8. [version 1.0]

pbmtoiw.100.shk (24 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

pbmtoiw Reads a portable bitmap and converts it to graphics codes for the Apple Imagewriter printer. [version 1.0]

rev.100.shk (42 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

rev Reverse lines of a file. [version 1.0]

rot13.100.shk (3 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

rot13 rot13 allows you to encrypt and decrypt rot13 text, which is usually used in Usenet News to hide spoilers and provocative material. [version 1.0]

scrappy.110.shk (10 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

scrappy Copy or paste text to or from the system clipboard. [version 1.1]

sorts.100.shk (63 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

This archive contains dsort and msort versions 1.0.

split.100.shk (18 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

split Split a file into pieces. [version 1.0]

tail.110.bsc (29 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

tail Print the last part of a file. [version 1.1]

tee.110.shk (18 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

tee Tee copies stdin to stdout, by default without buffering. It also makes a copy of the data to a specified file(s). It is useful when you want to watch the output of a process, but also save it. [version 1.1]

tee.120.shk (21 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

tee Tee copies stdin to stdout, by default without buffering. It also makes a copy of the data to a specified file(s). It is useful when you want to watch the output of a process, but also save it. [version 1.2]

tr.100.shk (31 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

tr Translate characters in a file. [version 1.0]

ul.100.shk (60 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

ul Do underlining. [version 1.0]

unifdef.100.shk (58 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

unifdef Remove ifdef'd lines. [version 1.0] This is a symbolic link to ../programming/unifdef.100.shk

unvis.100.shk (89 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

unvis Revert a visual representation of data back to original form. [version 1.0] This is a symbolic link to vis.100.shk

vis.100.shk (89 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

vis Display non-printable characters in a visual format. [version 1.0]

wrap.100.shk (3 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

wrap Word wraps text to a certain length (79 default). Also filters binary data and is very fast. [version 1.0]

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