Index for This index was last updated: Thu Aug 16 0:32:17 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- awk.100.shk awk -- Pattern-directed scanning and processing language. [version 1.0] This archive contains only the precompiled binary and documentation. awk.100s.shk awk -- Pattern-directed scanning and processing language. [version 1.0] This archive contains only sources and documentation. col.100.shk col -- Filter reverse line feeds from input. [version 1.0] colrm.100.shk colrm -- Removes specified columns from a text file [version 1.0] column.100.shk column -- Columnate lists. [version 1.0] comm.100.shk comm -- Select or reject lines common to two files. [version 1.0] cut.100.shk cut -- Select portions of each line of a file. [version 1.0] diff.100.shk diff -- Show differences in files. This is a port based on GNU diff v2.6. Some less-used features have been temporarily disabled for v1.0. [version 1.0] diff.100s.shk diff -- Show differences in files. This is a port based on GNU diff v2.6. Some less-used features have been temporarily disabled for v1.0. This archive includes source. [version 1.0] dsort.100.shk dsort -- Sort a text file on disk lexicographically. Archived together with msort. [version 1.0] egrep.120s.shk egrep -- Finds regular expressions, with an extended regular expression syntax. [version 1.2] egrep.130s.shk egrep -- Finds regular expressions, with an extended regular expression syntax. [version 1.3] fgrep.200.shk fgrep -- Finds regular expressions. [version 2.0] fgrep.210.shk fgrep -- Finds regular expressions. [version 2.1] fill.270.shk fill -- This is a simple text filter used for filling paragraphs. [version 2.7] grep.120s.shk grep -- Finds regular expressions. Source included. [version 1.2] grep.130s.shk grep -- Finds regular expressions. Source included. [version 1.3] indent.191.shk indent -- Format C programs in a variety of styles. [version 1.9.1] joinpara.10.shk joinpara -- A filter to strip newlines from the middle of paragraphs, but not elsewhere. Written to ease the importing of text files into word processor documents. [version 1.0] jot.100.shk jot -- Print sequential or random data. [version 1.0] lam.100.shk lam -- Laminate files (displays files side by side). [version 1.0] line.100.shk line -- Standard unix utility to read a line from standard input and display it to standard output. [version 1.0] msort.100.shk msort -- Sort a text file in memory lexicographically. Archived together with dsort. [version 1.0] paste.100.shk paste -- Merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files. [version 1.0] patch.100.shk patch -- Apply diffs to an original file. This is based on BSD patch v2.0pl12u8. [version 1.0] pbmtoiw.100.shk pbmtoiw -- Reads a portable bitmap and converts it to graphics codes for the Apple Imagewriter printer. [version 1.0] rev.100.shk rev -- Reverse lines of a file. [version 1.0] rot13.100.shk rot13 -- rot13 allows you to encrypt and decrypt rot13 text, which is usually used in Usenet News to hide spoilers and provocative material. [version 1.0] scrappy.110.shk scrappy -- Copy or paste text to or from the system clipboard. [version 1.1] sorts.100.shk This archive contains dsort and msort versions 1.0. split.100.shk split -- Split a file into pieces. [version 1.0] tail.110.bsc tail -- Print the last part of a file. [version 1.1] tee.110.shk tee -- Tee copies stdin to stdout, by default without buffering. It also makes a copy of the data to a specified file(s). It is useful when you want to watch the output of a process, but also save it. [version 1.1] tee.120.shk tee -- Tee copies stdin to stdout, by default without buffering. It also makes a copy of the data to a specified file(s). It is useful when you want to watch the output of a process, but also save it. [version 1.2] tr.100.shk tr -- Translate characters in a file. [version 1.0] ul.100.shk ul -- Do underlining. [version 1.0] unifdef.100.shk unifdef -- Remove ifdef'd lines. [version 1.0] unvis.100.shk unvis -- Revert a visual representation of data back to original form. [version 1.0] vis.100.shk vis -- Display non-printable characters in a visual format. [version 1.0] wrap.100.shk wrap -- Word wraps text to a certain length (79 default). Also filters binary data and is very fast. [version 1.0]