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Index Last Updated: Thu Aug 16 0:32:10 2001

Parent Directory at Master Site: http://trenco2.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno
Current Directory at Master Site: http://trenco2.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/productivity
Current Directory: /pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/productivity

Most files are available by three methods. The file name link downloads files from the server you are currently on using the HTTP protocol. The HTTP and FTP links following the file name will retrieve the file from the master Trenco archive using the HTTP or FTP protocols, respectively.

bc.104.shk (679 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

bc GNU bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. sbc is compliant with the POSIX P1003.2/D11 draft standard. While GNU bc includes many extensions. Copyright Free Software Foundation. This is part of the bc 1.05a package. [version 1.04]

bc.105a.shk (883 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

bc GNU bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. sbc is compliant with the POSIX P1003.2/D11 draft standard. While GNU bc includes many extensions. Copyright Free Software Foundation. This is part of the bc 1.05a package. [version 1.05a]

dc.110.shk (679 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

dc GNU dc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Copyright Free Software Foundation. This is part of the bc 1.05a package. [version 1.1] This is a symbolic link to bc.104.shk

dc.120.shk (883 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

dc GNU dc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Copyright Free Software Foundation. This is part of the bc 1.05a package. [version 1.2] This is a symbolic link to bc.105a.shk

sbc.104.shk (679 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

sbc GNU bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. sbc is compliant with the POSIX P1003.2/D11 draft standard. While GNU bc includes many extensions. Copyright Free Software Foundation. This is part of the bc 1.05a package. [version 1.04] This is a symbolic link to bc.104.shk

sbc.105a.shk (883 k) Retrieve from Trenco by HTTP or by FTP.

sbc GNU bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. sbc is compliant with the POSIX P1003.2/D11 draft standard. While GNU bc includes many extensions. Copyright Free Software Foundation. This is part of the bc 1.05a package. [version 1.05a] This is a symbolic link to bc.105a.shk

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