NEW CLEAR HOME 10 REM Stop ProDOS track 0 trashing 20 REM patches by Stephen Thomas 30 REM MacLagan Wright & Associates 40 REM West Heidelberg, VIC Australia 100 TEXT : HOME: D$=CHR$(4):E=0 110 VTAB 12:? "Now patching ProDOS." 120 ONERR GOTO 500 130 IF PEEK (116)<96 THEN E=1:GOTO 500: REM Make sure there's room 140 PRINT D$;"UNLOCK PRODOS" 150 PRINT D$;"BLOAD PRODOS,A$2000,TSYS" 200 FOR ADR=22211 TO 22220 STEP 3 : REM Change four STAs to LDAs 210 :IF PEEK(ADR)=189 THEN E=2:GOTO 500 220 :IF PEEK(ADR)<>157 THEN E=3:GOTO 500 230 :POKE ADR,189 240 NEXT 300 ADR=20484:V(0)=189:V(1)=142:V(2)=192:REM Chg NOPs to LDA $C08E,X 310 FOR I=0 TO 2 320 :IF PEEK(ADR+I)<>234 THEN E=3:GOTO 500 330 :POKE ADR+I,V(I) 340 NEXT 400 PRINT D$;"BSAVE PRODOS,A$2000,TSYS" 410 PRINT:PRINT"Patches completed." 420 END 500 PRINT CHR$(7);"ERROR!! No patches were made." 510 ON E GOTO 530,540,550 520 ?"ProDOS file not found.":END 530 ?"File has already been patched.":END 540 ?"This version of ProDOS is not 1.1.1." SAVE PATCHER.MCT HOME ?"All done, the file has been" ?"EXECed and saved as 'PATCHER.MCT'." ?"The machine is now yours to" ?"do with as you please"