NEW 1REM This program inverts all of the pixels in hires page 1. That 2REM is, if a pixel is lit, then it is turned off and if a pixel 3REM is off then it is turned on. This is really great for making 4REM printouts of graphics so that you don't get that negative 5REM effect. Just load the graphic by doing a BLOAD file,A$2000 6REM and then run the program. Then, resave the graphic picture 7REM back to disk by doing a BSAVE newfile,A$2000,L$240. 9REM BY A.FIELDS, EAST LONDON, S. AFRICA 10FORJ=768TO793:READX:POKEJ,X:NEXT:CALL768 20DATA 160,0,132,60,169,32,133,61,177,60,73,255,145 30DATA 60,200,208,247,230,61,165,61,41,32,208,239,96 SAVE GR.INVERT