This archive contains a TrueType conversion of the Apple II text font. There are two versions: - "Print Char 21" for 40-column text (1-by-1 pixel aspect ratio) - "PR Number 3" for 80-column text (1-by-2 pixel aspect ratio) Additional characters have been added to support all of ISO-Latin-1, Windows ANSI, and MacRoman, as well as box drawing characters and other miscellaneous Unicode characters. These additional characters have been modeled after the actual accented characters on international versions of the Apple II where possible. MouseText is encoded at 0x80-0x9F, and at the appropriate Unicode code points where possible. This font packs a lot of stuff into the Unicode Private Use Area for special effects. - ISO-Latin-1 and MouseText (0x00-0xFF) are also mirrored at 0xE000-0xE0FF. - Inverted versions of the same characters are at 0xE100-0xE1FF. - Patterns to render low-resolution graphics are at 0xE200-0xE20F (top half, zero-width) and 0xE210-0xE21F (bottom half, 7 pixel width). - Visual representations of Applesoft BASIC tokens are at 0xE280-0xE2FF. - Sabine 10-Bit Text System characters (see are at 0xE800-0xEBFF in Unicode Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic order, and at 0xEC00-0xEFFF in their original order. (These characters are 8x8 rather than 7x8.)