ADT_2005 This release contains new code for ADTwin v1.23 ADTdos v1.23 ADTssc v1.23 These have been updated with higher baudrates. ADTwin and ADTdos can now do 38400, 57600 and 115200 baud in addition to the baudrates of v1.22 ADTssc can now do 115200 baud in addition the baudrates of v1.22 ADTssc needed extra buffering of incoming data on the dir command and is therefore larger that the previous version Default are left as they were in v1.22, use ADT CONFIGURATION to set 115200 baud to default for ADTssc ADTwin and ADTdos both take command arguments for baudrate Our experience is that 115200 baud works very well with the Super Serial Card but unfortunately such things are dependent on many things and might not work for you. Any comments, bug reports etc. please post to the newsgroup news://comp.sys.apple2/ Knut Roll-Lund and Ed Eastman 28-nov-2005