======================================= QuickPort II by Yoshi of Digital Exodus ======================================= Heya, everyone. Well, this is one of my other boring programs; too bad it actually has a decent use. I got sick of QuickPort crashing on me all the time when I had slots set to 'Your Card', so I decided to actually write my *OWN* QuickPort. Of course, the name, 'QuickPort' is originally from Derek Taubert, but I honestly don't think he'll mind if I make a sequel (I already informally asked him if it'd be OK). Anyways, on to the rest of this story. I ordered the Am8530H/Am85C30 Serial Communications Controller manual, and all of it's revisions/updates. I proceeded to ask Jawaid Bazyar a few questions about how to use the SCC controller regs ($C038-$C03B) properly. He helped a lot. Thanx Jawaid! So, the finished work (for now) is QuickPort II. Oh yeah; this program works under ProDOS 8 too. Oh yay. :-/ ======================================= Bugs! Ugh! Get the RAID! ======================================= There's probably a LOT more bugs than I know of, but here's the main ones. * I don't check to see if AppleTalk is active; according to the technote (IIGS #18), I have to do this. I'll add checking in the near future. * If the baud rate is LESS THAN 300 baud, it'll print '???' as the baud rate. This really isn't a "bug," because of the fact that *I* know of about 2 people who use 1200 baud or less, even for printer-IIGS communication. If I get a large demand for this, i'll implement, since it's not that hard. * Sorry about re-drawing the ENTIRE text page to update the baud rates; due to the way I have the baud-rate changer implemented, it requires this. I may change this later, but I dunno. * There's probably more; I haven't experimented with a lot of stuff, so send the bug reports to me!!! :-) ======================================= That basically covers it. Send all bug reports via InterNET EMail to: yoshi@CSOS.ORST.EDU =======================================