First things first, this crack probably is a duplicate of images/disk_utils/cracking/the_saltine/BC Quest for Tires.dsk You will agree with me that it's not the first directory in which to search... I apologize and try to do not make the same mistake twice. Fire up a bit copy program (I use Copy II+ or Locksmith) to get a copy of the original disk then with a disk sector editor (again I use Diskoverer or Diskfixer) look at: track $21 is used for nibble count, to skip the check routine: track $06 sector $07 byte $E8 change $20 $00 $96 - JSR $9600 to $EA $EA $EA - NOP NOP NOP Or if you prefer change JSR to BIT or LDA. Bonus: track $04 sector $0A byte $11 is the number of tires (max 9) byte $4E change $CE to $AD for infinite tires