CE PLOMBAGE EST TELLEMENT NUL QUE JE SIGNE MEME PAS !! - GODFATHER Sono un buon picciotto, rispetto per il Padrino, leave the gun. Take the cannoli. Download the disk image from: https://archive.org/download/Uncracked4am The first patch is: remove the extra 'h' in the file name ;) So why this crack/fix ? I think this is a good example of the problems we all must face to preserve the old software and run it with emulators. Make a copy ignoring errors. Then apply this patch: track 00 sector 03 byte 91 change DF to DE track 00 sector 06 byte AE change DF to DE It's suffice for a real Apple. PDP by 4am (God bless him) automatically adds: track 00 sector 08 byte 12 change B1 48 to A9 00 because we can't store the correct ($11/17) volume number on a .dsk image. With AppleWin we have another annoyance, the HD light turn on when the game go in "attract mode". The (emulated) hard drive is in slot #7 so we have to find where the I/O softswitches C0F0..C0FF are accessed. Add a memory breakpoint, BPA C0F0, and boot the copy. Whe are lucky the debugger stop in: 7BAD:8F F0 C0 STA $C0F0 7BB0:EE F0 C0 INC $C0F0 7BB3:CE F0 C0 DEC $C0F0 this code don't make any sense... Put an address breakpoint BPX 7BAD and boot again. Now the code is: 7BAD:8F 30 C0 STA $C030 7BB0:EE 30 C0 INC $C030 7BB3:CE 30 C0 DEC $C030 this make sense, and noise too! BPA 7BAE and see where switching occours from 30 to F0, boot one more time: 7F75:A9 F0 LDA #$F0 7F77:8D AE 7B STA $7BAE 7F7A:8D B1 7B STA $7BB1 7F7D:8D B4 7B STA $7BB4 I can only assume: this was made to preserve the dealers ears, in an age where HD were not cheap or available. Years before the volume knob of the //c. Track 21 sector 0A byte 76 change F0 to what? - 30 and hear to the zap zap zap every 3'10", remember to enter the numbers and push the execute button every 108'00"... no, wait... this is from another life. Depending on your AppleWin slot configuration you should be able to found another suitable softswitch. A few words regarding the previously avaible crack. - Why use a BAS(isc) HELLO only to BRUN a BIN(ary) file?