ReadMe for "Logical Shapes" Apple II Version by Bill Buckels Introduction "Logical Shapes" is an Apple II program that was distributed in the early 1990's by Class Software in Winnnipeg, Canada in both an English and French Version. It was intended for use as "CourseWare" in Canadian Classrooms for teaching logical association to Elementary School children. The French Version of "Logical Shapes" is called "Concepts unificateurs". History "Logical Shapes" was originally developed for use on the IBM-PC by French Canadian "CourseWare" developers Denis Coulombe and Robert Boivin on behalf of Centre de recherche appliquée pour l'ordinateur (CRAPO) in 1989 and marketed to schools across Canada as part of a six program set called "Collection Les Petites espadrilles". Note: Espadrilles are casual flat sandals originating from the Pyrenees. In Quebec French, however, espadrille is the usual term for running shoes. The Apple II version was written by Canadian Software Developer Bill Buckels on the IBM-PC in the C programing language using the Manx Aztec C 6502 Cross-Compiler. It was completed in July 1992. Bill did not have the source code for the IBM-PC version of the program and it wouldn't have helped much anyway. The IBM-PC was a much more capable and sophisticated platform than the Apple II, so producing "Logical Shapes" for the Apple II required a complete rewrite "from the ground-up". The Manx C compiler provided a rudimentary Graphics Library, but came nowhere close to what Bill needed to complete "Logical Shapes" and the 3 other programs in the "Collection Les Petites espadrilles" that he had undertaken to write. So he set to work to create the graphics and the sound routines that the Apple versions needed to behave as closely as possible to their IBM-PC counterparts. The IBM-PC graphics of the day that CRAPO used (4 Color CGA Mode) were vastly different from Apple II graphics (which were a coarser resolution), and each and every screen and graphics image needed to be redrawn, and reformatted for the Apple II. Using the Graphics from the IBM-PC version as a starting point, Bill developed his own Apple II graphics file formats and programmed his own set of conversion tools which he ran on the IBM-PC to produce the Apple II graphics after creating and editing these in IBM-PC format to suit the Apple II display. He did this in conjunction with writing his Manx C graphics library, since both tasks were complimentary. When the graphics images and graphics and sound library routines were completed he moved forward to writing the program. Not only did the Apple II have less capable graphics than the IBM-PC; it also ran more slowly with only 128K of memory, some of it unusable, and with slower disk access and a smaller floppy disk size. To overcome all of this Bill broke his Manx C Apple programs into small modules called "overlays" which ran in very little memory, and he used the upper ram bank of the Apple II to store his graphics libraries and other data to avoid loading from disk where possible. Since the Manx C compiler translates its programs into machine language which runs as quickly as can be on the Apple II, no optimization or additional "tweaks" were required, except to script the game levels using external scripts (also of Bill's design) which further saved on disk space and program memory, and which avoided slow processor intensive operations that would otherwise have been needed. The finished result runs more slowly than its IBM-PC counterpart, but for all practical purposes, "Logical Shapes" for the Apple II has all the same functionality. System Requirements "Logical Shapes" requires an Apple IIe with 128K of memory and a floppy disk. It runs under the PRODOS 8 Operating System. It can also be run from a disk image file in an Apple II emulator. It has been tested in Windows XP using Apple II Oasis and AppleWin, and probably works in others. Starting "Logical Shapes" "Logical Shapes" does not have enough room on the program disk for PRODOS 8, so a PRODOS Startup Disk is required, which is provided on side 1 of the "Logical Shapes" disk. Put side 1 of the "Logical Shapes" disk in the floppy drive and boot the computer. After side 1 loads, follow the instructions and flip the disk then press the [RETURN] Key. If you are running "Logical Shapes" in an emulator, follow the same basic steps. Start "Logical Shapes" disk image 1. When you are prompted to flip the disk load "Logical Shapes" disk image 2 into the same drive then press the [ENTER] or [RETURN] Key (depending on what the [RETURN] Key is called on your keyboard). If you are using the AppleWin emulator from Windows XP Explorer and have File Associations set to use AppleWin to load disk images, just click on disk image 1 and after it boots select disk image 2 using the menu to the right, then press [ENTER]. If you are using Apple II Oasis select disk image 1 from the Apple II Disk Manager and send to emulator by right clicking on the disk image. When the emulator window appears and has booted disk image 1 right-click on the emulator title bar and select disk image 2 for slot 6 drive 1, then press [ENTER]. Other emulators should be basically the same if they work with PRODOS 8 disk images. If you are using an Apple that boots from a hard disk and will run PRODOS 8 programs, just run LOGICAL.SYSTEM on side 2 of the "Logical Shapes" disk. Note: If you need to restart "Logical Shapes", it will start more quickly since the graphics are already loaded into the upper ram bank. Keys and Navigation The Arrow Keys are used to navigate the menus and to select choices during activities (Game Play). The [RETURN] Key or the Space Bar can be interchangeably used to enter selections. The Escape Key is used to return to the Main Menu and to Exit the program. The Sound Toggle Key - [CTRL] S toggles the sound on or off at the Main Menu or during any of the activities. The C Key - Continue (Skip a Screen) The R Key - Reverse (Previous Screen) Note: The C Key and the R Key work slowly since each screen draws completely before continuing or reversing to the next or previous screens. The T Key and the V Key - TRUE The F Key - FALSE The AlphaNumeric Keyboard keys are used where required to enter information during activities (Game Play) in all programs in the "Collection Les Petites espadrilles" including "Logical Shapes". A mouse is not supported. Splash and Title Screens When "Logical Shapes" starts, or when the Escape Key is pressed at the Main Menu the Class Software Splash screen is displayed. Press [RETURN]. When the Title Screen displays press [RETURN] for the Main Menu or press the Escape Key to exit the program. Main Menu Screen "Logical Shapes" has 3 Learning Activities (Games) which can be selected from the Main Menu by moving the Monkey Cursor with the Arrow Keys to the desired activity then started by pressing the [RETURN] Key. Each Learning activity is a Game formatted as a series of graphical puzzles. The student provides the answers, and when all the puzzles in the series is complete, the Student is presented with a musical reward. Activities followed by musical rewards is the basic format of all the programs in the "Collection Les Petites espadrilles". The fourth Main Menu choice exits the Main Menu and returns to the Title Screens. It is the equivalent of pressing the Escape Key. Sound can be toggled on or off at the Main Menu or during any of the activities by pressing [CTRL] S. Activity 1: Tree Diagrams Background In mathematics and statistical methods, a tree diagram is used to determine the probability of getting specific results where the possibilities are nested. Game Play In "Logical Shapes", Tree Diagrams are represented with missing pieces. To the right of the tree diagram is a menu of available pieces which are selected with the Monkey Cursor, then put in place by pressing the [RETURN] Key or SpaceBar. Activity 2: Carroll Diagrams Background A Carroll diagram is a diagram used for grouping things in a yes/no fashion. Numbers or objects are either categorized as 'x' (having an attribute x) or 'not x' (not having that attribute). They are named after Lewis Carroll, the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, the famous author and mathematician. Game Play In "Logical Shapes", Carroll Diagrams are represented with missing answers (which are True or False) or missing pieces. Two types of entry are used. If a True or False answer is missing, it is typed from the keyboard by pressing the "T" or the "V" key (True or Vraiment), or by pressing the "F" key (False or Faux). If pieces are missing, to the right of the Carroll diagram is a menu of available pieces which are selected with the Monkey Cursor, then put in place by pressing the [RETURN] Key or SpaceBar, Activity 3: Euler and Venn Diagrams Background Euler diagrams and Venn diagrams are illustrations used in the branch of mathematics known as set theory. Venn Diagrams show all of the possible mathematical or logical relationships (intersections, zones, possible combinations of conjunctions) between sets (groups of things). A Euler diagram (named after its inventor Leonhard Euler), unlike a Venn diagram, does not need to show all possible relationships (zones, where a zone is defined as the area of intersection of the sets it shows). Thus, an Euler diagram can define a universe of discourse, i.e. it can define a system whereby certain intersections are not possible or are taken as agreed as not necessary to be considered, and therefore need not be shown on the diagram. In other words, the Euler diagram can represent degenerate conjunctions. Game Play In "Logical Shapes" Euler and Venn diagrams are represented in groups of sets with missing pieces. The objective is to group pieces from a menu of available pieces into sets in the diagram Euler diagrams offer only 2 choices (right or left) and Venn diagrams offer 3 choices (right, left, or center, the center being the intersection). Up, Down, Left, and Right Arrow Keys are all used. The Euler Diagrams are presented first, with a vertical menu of available pieces dividing each side of the diagram. The Monkey Cursor is used to select the pieces from the menu. The Right Arrow and Left Arrow Key select either the right or left side of the diagram. The Up Arrow and Down Arrow Key move the Monkey Cursor Up and Down to select each available piece which is then put in place by pressing the [RETURN] Key. After completion of the Euler diagrams the Venn Diagrams begin. Venn diagrams have a horizontal menu of available pieces above the diagram. The Monkey Cursor is used to select the pieces from the menu which are then picked-up by pressing the [RETURN] Key. The Right Arrow and Left Arrow Key select the right, center (intersection) or left of the diagram. The selected piece is then put in place by pressing the [RETURN] Key. End of ReadMe