----------------Verbs 1---------------- A 4am crack 2016-07-13 --------------------------------------- Name: Verbs 1 Version: 09.15.87 Genre: educational Year: 1987 Publisher: Hartley Courseware Platform: Apple ][+ or later Media: single-sided 5.25-inch floppy OS: DOS 3.3 Previous cracks: none (of this version) This disk was automatically cracked by Passport. Here is the transcript: --v-- READING FROM S6,D1 T00,S00 FOUND DOS 3.3 BOOTLOADER USING DISK'S OWN RWTS WRITING TO S6,D2 T00,S03,$91: DA -> DE T00,S03,$35: DA -> DE T00,S02,$9E: DA -> DE T00,S08 RWTS REQUIRES A NON-STANDARD DISK VOLUME NUMBER. T00,S08,$12: B148 -> A900 CRACK COMPLETE. --^-- More information and source code is available at https://archive.org/details/Passport4am Quod erat liberandum. ~ Acknowledgments Many thanks to LoGo for supplying the the original floppy disk. --------------------------------------- A 4am crack No. 699 ------------------EOF------------------