--------The Adventures of Sinbad------- A 4am crack 2015-06-10 --------------------------------------- Name: The Adventures of Sinbad Genre: educational Year: 1985 Authors: Jack Alexander, June Stark Publisher: Unicorn Software Media: double-sided 5.25-inch floppy OS: Pronto-DOS (although T02,S02 has the string " VOLUME" where "PRONTO-DOS" should be) Other versions: none (preserved here for the first time) Identical cracks: - Gertrude's Secrets, Bumble Games, Juggles' Rainbow, Moptown Parade, Reader Rabbit, Wizard of Words, Moptown Hotel, Gertrude's Puzzles, Bumble Plot (The Learning Company) - Xevious (Mindscape) - The Notable Phantom (DesignWare) - Animal Kingdom, Race Car 'Rithmetic, Magical Myths, Fraction Action (Unicorn Software) - Pitstop II (Epyx) - Microzine issues 12, 13, 17, and 18 (Scholastic) Only side A is bootable, so I'll start there. ~ Chapter 0 In Which Various Automated Tools Fail In Interesting Ways COPYA immediate disk read error Locksmith Fast Disk Backup unable to read any track EDD 4 bit copy (no sync, no count) no errors, but copy fills screen with garbage and reboots Copy ][+ nibble editor all tracks use standard prologues (address: D5 AA 96, data: D5 AA AD) but modified epilogues (address: FF FF EB, data: FF FF EB) Disk Fixer ["O" -> "Input/Output Control"] set Address Epilogue to "FF FF EB" set Data Epilogue to "FF FF EB" Success! All tracks readable! T00 -> looks like a DOS 3.3 RWTS T11 -> DOS 3.3 disk catalog T01,S07 -> startup program is "JELLO" (really) Why didn't COPYA work? modified epilogue bytes (every track) Why didn't Locksmith FDB work? modified epilogue bytes (every track) Why didn't my EDD copy work? probably a nibble check during boot Next steps: 1. AUTOTRACE to capture RWTS 2. Advanced Demuffin to convert disk to standard format 3. Patch RWTS (if necessary) 3. Find nibble check and bypass it ~ Chapter 1 In Which We Attempt To Use The Original Disk As A Weapon Against Itself [S6,D1=original disk] [S6,D2=blank disk] [S5,D1=my work disk] ]PR#5 CAPTURING BOOT0 ...reboots slot 6... ...reboots slot 5... SAVING BOOT0 /!\ BOOT0 JUMPS TO $08C0 CAPTURING BOOT1 ...reboots slot 6... ...reboots slot 5... SAVING BOOT1 SAVING RWTS /!\ NIBBLE CHECK AT $BB00 ]BRUN ADVANCED DEMUFFIN 1.5 ["5" to switch to slot 5] ["R" to load a new RWTS module] --> At $B8, load "RWTS" from drive 1 ["6" to switch to slot 6] ["C" to convert disk] --v-- ADVANCED DEMUFFIN 1.5 (C) 1983, 2014 ORIGINAL BY THE STACK UPDATES BY 4AM =======PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE======= TRK:................................... +.5: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF012 SC0:................................... SC1:................................... SC2:................................... SC3:................................... SC4:................................... SC5:................................... SC6:................................... SC7:................................... SC8:................................... SC9:................................... SCA:................................... SCB:................................... SCC:................................... SCD:................................... SCE:................................... SCF:................................... ======================================= 16SC $00,$00-$22,$0F BY1.0 S6,D1->S6,D2 --^-- ]PR#5 ]CATALOG,S6,D2 C1983 DSR^C#254 016 FREE A 002 JELLO B 053 Q&A B 016 VOYAGE1 B 023 VOYAGE2 B 006 TEXT.GLOSS.VOYAGE1 B 038 INTRO B 012 TALE MAKER B 016 E B 005 U B 019 Q B 009 INTRO SCREEN.C B 005 B.LOOKUP TABLE B 017 MENU.C B 005 TEXT.GLOSS.VOYAGE2 B 005 TEXT.GLOSS.VOYAGE3 B 018 T B 025 VOYAGE3 B 003 W B 003 B B 005 A.A B 005 A.D B 004 A.F B 006 E.C B 005 E.B B 008 E.A B 016 A.C B 006 A.B B 006 E.D B 007 E.F B 015 E.J B 007 E.G B 010 B.B B 013 B.C B 008 B.D B 006 B.G B 009 B.H B 010 B.I B 012 B.K B 042 MG ]RUN JELLO ...works... [S6,D1=demuffin'd copy] ]PR#6 ...fills screen with garbage, reboots endlessly... Let's go find that nibble check. ~ Chapter 2 In Which We Run Into An Old Friend ]PR#5 ]BLOAD BOOT0,A$800 ]CALL -151 *801L . . all normal until... . 084A- 4C C0 08 JMP $08C0 *8C0L 08C0- 8E E9 B7 STX $B7E9 08C3- 6C FD 08 JMP ($08FD) *BLOAD BOOT1,A$2600 *FE89G FE93G ; disconnect DOS *B600<2600.2FFFM ; move RWTS into place *B700L B700- 20 00 BB JSR $BB00 *BB00L BB00- A0 00 LDY #$00 BB02- B9 00 BB LDA $BB00,Y BB05- 99 00 02 STA $0200,Y BB08- 88 DEY BB09- D0 F7 BNE $2B02 BB0B- 60 RTS *20C