SOLUTION FOR KINGS QUEST V NOTE: There will be times when a pop-up screen will ask for a spell to be cast and you will be prompted to find the correct letters that correspond to four symbols. These are copy protection tests, where you'll need your book. These come up at random times, so when they come up, they won't be included here. Also, if you get the message "Out Of Heap", it means out of memory. Remove any TSR's etc. from memory before running it again. THE ICONS AND WHAT THEY DO Man walking, legs close together: Stops at obstacles when walking. Man walking, legs spread out: The traveler. Use this for continuous walks. The Eye, Tag it and take it to objects you want to look at. The Hand, Tag it and take it to items you want to take. Talking head, Tag it and take it to person you want to talk to. Last item used, blank if no item has been used. The Pouch, Tag it to see inventory, box item you want, go to OK The Disk, for saving, restoring a game. Stop Sign, Quit playing and return to DOS. Slider, Adjust sound volume, animation speed, amount of detail. You will want to adjust the speed to the fastest, so do it now. THE INTRODUCTION At the start of the game you will be asked if you have played before. If you have not, then a short intro to the story will come up. You'll see King Graham's castle be shrunk and stolen by the evil wizard Mordack. The quest is to find Mordack, and return with your castle. Cedric, a wise old owl will accompany you throughout your quest, but won't be with you through all segments. After you receive the wand from the good wizard Crispin you'll be outside his house in the land of Serenia, with three ways to go. I am going to give you a brief idea of where to go, and what to do when you get there. I cannot give you each left/up/down you have to make. That's too difficult to do, much less follow when you're reading. GOING TO TOWN Come across the bridge by -Traveling- to the bottom of the screen on path. (The hour glass means wait...) Ignore the snake and continue downward via bottom of the screen. Take the ICON and put it on the door at the end of the path. Now you'll be inside the town. Things to look for and do. 1. Talk to the man fixing the wagon. 2. Enter the first store you come to; the Tailor's Shop 3. Come back out, go to the wagon. a. Pick up the silver coin using the Hand ICON b. Go to the barrel, Take the fish. 4. You can look around the other two stores and talk to the people but for all intensive purposes we've taken what we came for. (This time) 5. When you're ready we'll leave town the same way we came in. OFF TO BUY A CUSTARD PIE We're not going back the way we came on the path. There's a path that also leads off the left side of the screen. That's the one we take. The first building we come to on the path is the bakery. Put the -Travel- ICON on the door and Graham will enter. You can talk to the boy and his mother, but your pie hasn't been made yet, but is coming up shortly. When your pie is ready When the dialog ends and you go to see if you have a silver coin, go to the -Pouch- and box the coin and hit OK. Next touch the man with the coin and click with the mouse button. You've bought yourself a pie. (It's for some one else however so don't eat it). Now you can leave, we're done here. Put the -Travel- ICON below the window and click. OFF TO SEE THE BEES Continue left and go passed the INN and onto the next screen thereafter. We'll come back to the INN later, right now we'd get killed. Once you get to the bee scene, you'll see a bear attacking the hive. We want to throw him the fish. Get it from the pouch, and touch the bear with it. Now you'll be rewarded and can take some honeycomb. Take the Hand and put it on the bee's hive and click. Next, on the ground next to you is a stick. Take that too. Now to your north you can see the ant hill. Let's go up one screen. OFF TO SEE THE ANTS Now we'll want the stick. Get it from the pouch and touch FIDO and click. NEXT TO THE DESERT I'm going to map out the desert now so you'll know how to get where you're going. Then I'll tell you where to go in the order needed. D D D T D D D D D D D G D D D D D D D D D D D A D D D D D D O D D D D B D O D D B D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D O D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D G = Gypsy A = Ants B = Bees T = Temple O = Oasis B = Boot C = Camp If you haven't already, I suggest saving the game at this point. Up to now it's been pretty safe. Next we go to the following areas. 1. The (T)emple via the fastest route. Go to the Gypsy's camp and then left eight squares. Once you get to the temple the first thing to do is hide behind the rock on the right. Some bandits will be coming and if they see you, you're dead. 2. Watch the bandit's enter the temple and wait for them to leave. 3. Once they have left, take the -Hand- and put it on the water. 4. Now let's go one screen right and downward until you get to the boot. Take the boot. 5. Go two more downward to the oasis and drink. 6. Now come downward 1 more and go left to the bandit's camp. Once inside the camp you'll see two tents. The smaller one has the STAFF which we want. Go into it, but do not walk on the sleeping bandit's blanket, you'll wake him and he'll kill you. Take the staff and come back out. Now put the -HandÂon the bottle by the campfire and drink. 7. Now come right once, and upward to the next oasis. 8. Next go upward to the desert wall and two to the right. You'll be back at the temple. Go up one screen but BEFORE you knock on the door SAVE the game. The next part coming up was the hardest part in the whole game. What's going to happen is, the staff will break but the door will open. Once it's open you'll have 10 seconds to take a gold coin and the bottle next to it on the floor, and get back out. It's a lot harder than it seems. You'll get killed at least five times if you're using a slower IBM machine. Restore the saved game as soon as you can. I found it easier to line up the ICON before the door opens on the coin. Get the coin, then the bottle and don't take time to read the messages - click as soon as you see them. On a three button mouse the middle button will click through the icons, use that instead of the top of the screen menu to get the -Travel- and get out. I have one of the slowest machines around so it can be done! A VISIT TO THE GYPSY Once you exit the temple with the coin and bottle, drink, then go straight right to the Gypsy camp. Upon arrival you will be told you need a Gold Coin to get your reading. use the Gold Coin. The story takes over from there. You will be given an amulet to wear. Wear it. It protects you from the witch's spells, which you'll need in a little while. THE WEEPING WILLOW Go directly to the right and you'll come upon the weeping willow. She's really a princess turned into the willow by the wicked witch. The witch stole her heart and you'll have to find it and return it to her. You can talk to her. INTO THE WITCH'S FORREST From the Weeping Willow, go to the next screen right. You'll come to the entrance and Cedric will be waiting outside for you. There are several things you'll do here in the forrest. 1. You're already wearing the amulet. 2. Follow the trail until you come to the witch, then use the bottle. 3. Go to the witch's house and search it. You'll find a key, a pouch with emeralds, and a spinning wheel. Come back outside. 4. Go to the screen to the right and you'll see a tree with a door. Use the key. You will find the Weeping Willow's heart. 5. Now this next part gets a little tricky. a. Get the hand. b. Take it to the top of the screen and get the inventory pouch. c. When it displays the items, go onto the pouch of emeralds and click the mouse. The three emeralds will appear. 6. Take the path to the left until you see three sets of eyes in the bushes. a. Take the honeycomb put it on the path. b. Take the emeralds and put them on the path. c. The Leprecauns will lead you out of the forrest and give you a pair of golden shoes. BACK TO THE WEEPING WILLOW Now go left to the willow and give her her heart. Her Prince will join her. Take the harp when she drops it to the ground. BACK TO THE GYPSY Go once more to the Gypsy camp. They've left, but they dropped a tambourine. Take the tambourine. MEETING THE GNOMES Come down once from the Gypsy's camp and one to the right. You'll find two Gnomes sitting outside their house. Give the spinning wheel to the Older Gnome and he'll give you the doll the younger Gnome is making. Once you do that we must go to the Inn. Come down one screen and all you should do is search the haystack with the Hand. The ants will help and give you a golden needle. Do not enter the Inn yet!!! Next: BEFRIEND THE RAT While passing the bakery, on the way back to town, you will see a cat chasing a rat. Use the boot on the cat. This will only happen once. If you miss you have to restore. You will not be able to proceed much beyond this point unless you befriend the rat. Be ready for it. BACK TO TOWN The shoe maker's store is the furthest one. You can talk to his wife. Give her your golden shoes and you'll get the hammer from her husband. You'll need it for escaping from the Inn. The Toy maker's store is in the same building on the south side. Give the toy maker the doll you got from the Gnome and take the sled. Go to the Tailor's shop and give him the golden needle and take the blue cloak hanging on the frame. Now you can leave town and go to the Inn. NOW, TO THE INN Upon entering you'll interrupt their robbery conversation. After which they will knock you out, tie you up, and lock you in the cellar. The rat will free you from the rope. Take the rope. Then get the hammer and use it on the door. After the lock breaks, search the next room. DO NOT enter the room on the right! They'll just knock you out again and this time they hit you harder than the last if you get my drift. Get the leg of lamb, and exit out the door on the left. RATTLER TIME Check your inventory, your score should now be 112 points. That's what you'll need to get passed the snake, which is where we go next. Go up once from the Inn, then right twice and you'll come to the snake. Use the tambourine. Your rattle is bigger than his rattle. Now you can go ahead. THE MOUNTAIN PASS Put on the cloak. Now carefully walk the mountain pass. Do not use the -TravelÂICON. Use the -Walk- ICON. You will have to maneuver along the edge. I hope you have been saving along the way. Make it a practice. When you get hungry use the leg of lamb. You'll only eat half. The other half is for the starving eagle. When you get to the end you'll see a branch sticking out of the rock, use the rope, but not on the branch. Use the rope on the Rock with the horn. Branches tend to break. To climb put the hand ICON on the rope once it's around the horn. Once you get to the top, you'll have to cross the divide by using the -HandÂon the 4 stumps. Use the rear ones instead of the 2 more forward ones. To get across the log, use the -Travel- ICON. Next go to the screen on the right. Use the sled. Once the sled has been used, take the next screen to the right and you'll see the starving eagle. Give him the leg of lamb. THE ICE CASTLE Walk from the eagle, up to the Ice Castle. When you get inside Queen Icebella sicks her wolves on you. Quickly, use the harp. She'll tell you you must rid her domain of the Yeti and her wolf, Sir Greywolf will take you to the Yeti. When you get to the ledge, use the -Walk- ICON to work your way along the tricky edge. Save before you try it though. Use the pie on the yeti like you did the stick on the dog etc. After you get rid of the Yeti, go to the next screen up. There you will find a crystal in the back. Use the hammer on the crystal and Graham will walk to it and take it. Now we return to the Ice Castle the same way we came. Save it once outside the Yeti's cave. Leaving the castle: Sir Greywolf will lead you out and when you get to the pass where Cedric is, go south down the path. Next Cedric will be on a pile of rock. Put the -Travel- ICON right on Cedric and Graham will walk to him, then walk Graham through the hole by the water. Enroute you will be picked up by a giant Roc and taken to her nest. In the Roc's nest is a locket, take it and wait, the eagle you befriended will rescue you and take you to the next point in your quest. THE BEACH, THE HARPIES, AND THE OLD MAN When you get dropped off, walk to and pick up the iron bar at the bottom of the screen. Next walk up one screen to get to the boat. Use the bees wax on the boat, otherwise it will leak and sink. Next put the Hand ICON on the boat to push it into the water. Once in the water, go down one screen. Go right four screens to get to the Harpies' island. The Harpies take you and Cedric to the top of a mountain. As soon as you get there use the Harp. (Put the harp on Graham and click.) After the Harpies have flown off, take the fish hook next to the rock. Go to the next screen on the left. Get Cedric, he's next to the rock at the bottom of the screen. Go to the next screen on the left. Get the sea shell that's to the left of the entrance. Put the hand on the boat and click. Now we go left five screens and you'll set shore by the old man's ship. Once on shore, get the sea shell from the pouch. Put the hand on the bell just above the old man's door and click. Give the shell to the old man. (Put it on the old man and click) The old man heals Cedric and the mermaid takes you to Mordacks Castle. MORDACKS ISLAND CASTLE Upon arrival there is a blue fish just to the left of the stairs, take it. Next, walk up the stairs and the path to the top of the screen. Take the crystal out of the pouch to protect you from the stone snakes. Next walk up to the castle door. Walk the path on the left side of the castle. Get the iron bar from the pouch and use it on the grating. Then put the Hand on the opening and click for Graham to enter. THE MAZE Down Forward Forward Right Forward Right Now you're at Dink. Give the tambourine to Dink and pick up the hair pin. Down Right Forward Forward Right Now you'll see the door. Take the hair pin and put it on the door. Now take the hand and put it on the door. IN THE CASTLE Take the sack of peas from the cabinet on the left. (Put the hand on the cabinet -click- then on the peas -click-) Walk through the center door to the next room. Give the locket to the girl. Walk through the door on the right. (Don't play the organ) The blue monster gets you and locks you in a cell. Take the fish hook and use it to get the cheese from the mouse hole. Wait for the girl to rescue you. You have to put the hand on the hole in the wall and follow her manually through the maze to get back to the room you found her in originally. Put the hand on the door to open it, you won't need the hair pin this time. Again through the center door and get the peas from the pouch. Again through the door on the right. Now go through the next door on the right. Come down one screen. Get the peas ready and when you see the blue monster put the peas on him. Now enter the bottom door on the left. Get the fish out of the pouch and walk up the stairs. Go to the door on the left. Put the fish on the cat. Put the empty pea sack on the cat to bag the cat. Leave the cat there and walk to the bottom of the screen. Put the Hand on the open book near the bottom of the screen. Walk to the left bookcase and wait. Mordack will arrive and lay down in his bedroom to the north. Walk into his bedroom and take the wand from the yellow nightstand by the bed Walk through the door on the right. Walk through the next door on the right. Walk up the left stairway to the top. Once on top walk to the machine on the right. Put your wand on the left side of the machine. Put Mordacks wand on the right side of the machine. Put the cheese in the center of the machine's globe. Take your wand as soon as you are able after it's charged up using the Hand. Now take the wand from the pouch. You change into spell creatures by putting the ICON on Graham regardless of the animal etc he has turned himself into and selecting the appropriate character from the four displayed on the screen. Once your wand is fully charged and Mordacks is drained, Mordack will enter the room and his floats to him. He will fire a spell and Cedric takes the hit. He will change into a flying scorpion and you use the Tiger spell. He will change into a dragon, you use the rabbit. (Looks like a man) He will change into a snake and you use the Mongoose spell. (Far left) He will change into fire, you use the Rain spell, and destroy him. Crispin arrives and the rest of the story is played out for you.