CHAPTER 7 - REFERENCE This chapter gives detailed infomration on Printrix commands, including menu commands and embedded commands. This chapter is organized into four sections: layout file parameters, text format parameters, font library parameters, and graphics format parameters. The function of each command is defined. Then, all acceptable options or settings for the commands are given, along with the correct form of response. Any special considerations are included. These many included the command's interactions with other commands, ,or certain circumstances which affect the command's operation. When necessary, examples are given for the best use of commands. Finally, some commands may be used for particular typesetting effects. These special uses are defined and demonstrated. Save Layout File This option creates a disk file that records the current setting of all printing parameters from the Text Format Menu, the Font Library Menu, and the Graphic Format Menu. This includes all font settings from the Change Font Parameters Menu such as italics, boldface, etc. Once you've saved a layout file, you may load it again at any time, for use with the same textfile or with a different one. The layout file will restore the previously saved values of the printing parameters, overriding the values it finds in memory, or in the font files. NOTE: If you want to change the name of a layout file, do not use the ProDOS "Rename" function. Instead, load the layout file into Printrix, then save it again under the new name. Location: Layout Document Menu (menu command only) Procedure: 1. Set the printing parameters to the desired values, using the Text Format Menu, the Font Library Menus, and the Graphics Format Menu. Then return to the Layout Document Menu. 2. Choose option S. 3. In response to Printrix's screen prompts, enter the prefix and filename specifying the disk where the file will be located, and the name of the new file. Use the LAY.filename form for layout files. If you accept the default filename, the new layout file will be written over the old file. If you want to keep old files, enter a new filename. Create a "Default" Layout When Printrix is booted, it automatically looks for and loads a layout file names LAY.PRINTRIX. If you use Printrix for one application a majority of the time, you'll probably have a standard layout file. You can load those values automatically, every time you load Printrix, by naming this layout file LAY.PRINTRIX. Load a Layout File. This menu option lets you recall a layout file that has been previously saved to disk. Loading a layout file will restore the printing parameters to the values current at the time of saving. A layout file also reloads the fonts, in the same order as they were saved, so that they may be referred to by the same numbers. Their individual parameters are also restored to the values specified by the layout file. You may load as may layout files as you wish within a document. When the document has finished printing, Printrix automatically reloads the original layout file, which it had previously saved to disk in a temporary file called LAY.TEMP. Location: Layout Document Menu Embedded Command ^LL="/prefix/filename" Procedure - Menu Command 1. From the Layout Document Menu, choose option L. 2. Respond to the program's screen prompts by entering the drive and prefix where the desired layout file is located. Printrix now searches that location for the specified file. If it finds the file, an on-screen message asks you to confirm. If it cannot find the file, an on-screen message asks for further instructions. 3. Answer Y, and Printrix asks for the directory on which the layout's fonts may be found and loads the layout. Or answer N, and Printrix continues to search. Procedure At the desired point in the textfile, insert the load layout command: ^LL="/prefix/filename" You may include or omit the location. If the location is included, Printrix searches that area. When it finds the specified file, that set of parameters and fonts is loaded. If the file is not found in that location, or if you do not spefify that location, Printrix will pause typesetting and display a question on screen requesting the necessary information. In Use Loading a layout file by embedded commands will cause Printrix to begin a new line of print. Therefore, we recommend that you position the command at the beginning or end of a paragraph, or between paragraphs. Font Files When you save a layout file, Printrix stores information obtained from the Font Library about the fonts' parameters and order. The actual font files are not saved to disk with the layout file. When you load a layout file, you should have the necessary font files available for Printrix to access. It is more convenient, although not necessary, to have all fonts together on one disk or one path. If the fonts are in different locations, switching between fonts by embedded command will cause Printrix to pause typesetting and request you to input the location for the new font. TEXT FORMAT PARAMETERS Form Size This parameter defines the absolute horizontal and vertical dimensions (in inches) of the form you're printing on. The printing window, the space on which you may print, is a smaller rectangle within the form size. The printig window is defined by the margin settings. Range: Horizontal: .01 to 14.00 inches (.01 to 8.50 for narrow cartridge printers) Vertical: .01 to 99.99 inches NOTE: On some laser printers, the vertical size of the printing window is limited by the printer's graphiics buffer. See Appendix B for specific information on your laser printer. Location: Print Document Menu (menu command only) Top of Form Printrix uses the vertical form size parameter to gauge the location of top-of-form. Therefore, if you're printing a multi-page document or multiple copies, especially on small forms such as mailing labels, be sure your vertical form size is accurate. Measure from the top of one form to the top of the next. (For mailing labels, measure from the top of one label to the top of the next, including the space between labels in the measurement.) Margins A margin is a blank space at the top, bottom, left, or right of the form. Margins are measured from the edge of the form inward, in hundredths of an inch. You may define each margin separately. THe inner rectangle formed by the four margins is the printing window, or space on which you may tyepset. If you're printing on standard 8.5x11 inch papr, a left margin of 1 inch and a right margin of 1.5 inches results in a line length of 6 inches. A top margin of 1.5 inches and a bottom margin of .75 inches allows you to print on 8.75 vertical inches of paper. The printing window, then, is 6x8.75. Range: 0.00* to max max = form size minus opposite margin value (In other words, the left and right margins together cannot exceed the horizontal form size: the top and bottom margins together cannot exceed the vertical form size.) * EXCEPTION: Some printers are not capable of printing all the way across a page. If you try to set the left or right margin to a value which eceeds your printer's horizontal printing capacity, Printrix will automatically reset that margin to your printer's best value. If both right and left margins are out of bounds, Printrix will adjust both margins to center the printing window on the page. Location: Print Document Menu Embedded Command Left Margin ^ML=n Right Margin ^MR=n Top Margin ^MT=n Bottom Margin ^MB=n n is a number within the accepted range Timing Embedded commands to change margins take effect at different times, depending on their positions. A command to change the left or right margin will take effect on the current line IF nothing has yet been printed on that line. If the command is found while Printrix is in the middle of a line, the margin commands will take effect on the following line. Embedded commands to change the top and bottom margins take effect on the following page, no matter where they occur on the printed page. Relative Values Apply When you change margins using the embedded commands, you may set the new values either by absolute distance from the edges of the form, or by relative distance from the previous margin values. Absolute margin values are calculated in the same way that the menu command margin values are. Do not use a + or - symbol when using absolute margin values. Relative margin values are added to or subtracted from the previous value of the margin. Relative values are indicated by using a = or - in the command. Relative values are convenient when you've forgotten the starting value of the margin, or when you want to change starting values from the menu, but keep the relationship between the margins the same. Examples: ^ML=1^MR=1This paragraph will have left and right margins of one inch, for all lines in the paragraph. This paragraph ^ML=+5will have the preset margin values on the first line. All following lines will be indented .5 inches on the left, to produce a "hanging paragraph." prints as: This paragraph will have the preset margin values on the first line All following lines will be indented .5 inches on the left, to produce a "hanging paragraph." In Use When a paragraph is printed through Printrix, the arrangement of words on a line depends on the current font and the current margins. In most cases, the arrangement will be different from the arrangement of that same paragraph in your word processor. When printing a graphic, the horizontal placement (left, right, or center) is calculated from the current margins. If the graphic is too large to fit within the current margins, it will be cropped at the right and/or bottom edge to fit. If a margin change command is found while Printrix is printing a graphic, the new margin will take effect AFTER the graphic has finished printing. TABSTOP SETTINGS/TAB CHARACTERS Tabs in Printrix are controlled by two parameters: tab characters and tabstop settings. tabstop settings are positions on the printing line, set by either menu or embedded command. Tab characters are commands embedded in the textfile which cause Printrix to jump to the next tabstop and begin printing from that position. Tabstop Settings You may set up to eight tabstops per line. Tabstops are measured from the current left margin, in hundredths of an inch. If the left margin changes, the tabstops remain the same with respect to the left margin, and change with respect to the left edge of the paper. You may enter the tabstop in any order. Printrix automatically rearranges them in order of increasing distance from the left margin. Range: 0.00 inches to max max = length of printing line (horizontal form size minus the left and right margins) Location: Print Document Men u Embedded Command Tabstop Clear ^TC Tabstop Set ^TS=n n is a number within the accepted range Tab Characters Tab characters are used to indent paragraphs or align text to a preset tabstop position. When Printrix reads a tab character in the textfile, it jumps to the next available tabstop position. To enter a tab character in your textfile, either press the tab key or type ^TAB. Some word processors don't utilize standard tab character, so these require the ^TAB command. See Chapter Five for information on your word processor. Relative Values Apply When using the embedded command to set tabstops, you may use ueither absolute or relative measurements. Absolute tabstop values are added to the left margin value in order to determin their position on the page. They do not contain + or - signs. Relative tabstop values are added to or subtracted from the current position on the printing line. Relative value commands contain a = or - sign. In Use In most practical settings, you'll avoid confusion by first clearing all old tabstop settings before issuing new ones. Use the ^TC for this purpose. Then use the ^TS command to set ne wpositions, one position at a time. You may enter up to eight. Printrix will ignore all tabstop settings to the right of the eighth position. Example: ^TC^TS=.5^TS-1.5^TABThis ^TABparagraph will be indented .5 inches on its first line. The word "paragraph" will be positioned 1.5 inches from the left margin. prints as: This paragraph will be indented .5 inches on its first line. The word "paragraph" will be positioned 1.5 inches from the left margin. Oops! If your textfile contains a tab character which falls to the right of the rightmost tabstop on the line, Printrix is unable to position it correctly, and will begin a new line instead. If this occurs, either remove the tab character from the textfile, or set a new tabstop. JUSTIFICATION Justification is the horizontal arrangement of words on the printing line. Printrix offers four justification styles: Left: lines of text have even left edges and ragged right edges. Right: lines of text have ragged left edges and even right edges. Center: lines of text are centered between the current left and right margins. Fill: lines of text have even left and right margins. Printrix uses "microjustification," adding space between words and between letters as needed, for the best visual effect. Location Print Document Menu Embedded Command Left ^J=L Right ^J=R Center ^J-C Fill ^J=F Timing Embedded commands to change justification take effect on the current printing line. If the line contains more than one justification command, and there are no tab characters in the line, the last justification command takes precedence. Correct: ^J=CThe Gettusburg Address ^J=FFourscore and seven years ago.... Incorrect: ^J=CThe Gettysburg Address^J=F Fourscore and seven years ago.... ACTIVE FONT Printrix keeps track of four fonts for use during a single typesetting line. Of these four fonts, one is "active" at any given time. The "active" fonts is he font currently in use, either being acted upon through menus or being used for typesetting. Printrix uses the number keys to control the active font. You may change active fonts from the menu or from embedded command. Range: 1-4 Location: Print Document Menu Font Library Menu Embedded Command ^F=n n is a number between 1 and 4 Timing An embedded command to change fonts takes effect immediately, even within a word. All text following the command will be typeset in the new font until another font change command is found. You may change fonts within your document as often as you like. All font enhancement commands apply only to the current active font. In Use Printrix begins typesetting a document in the active font specified from menu. This font will remain active until an embedded font change command is found. If your document begins with or contains several blank lines, the vertical gap on paper depends on the current active font. LINEFEED ADVANCE This paramenter allows you to select single, double, or triple-spacing between lines of text. When lines are single-spaced, the distance from the baseline of one line to the baseline of the next is equal to the vertical cell size of the largest font on the lines plus that font's linefeed gap. Double-spacing and triple-spacing are twice and three times that distance. The linefeed advance command affects all fonts and all text in the document. Range: S, D, or T Location: Print Doucment Menu (menu command only) Fine-Tuning Inf you want more precise control over distance between lines than you can achieve with Linefeed Advance, use the Linefeed Gap command. This is a font parameter, which can be changed for each individual font, and allows you to specify distances measured in dots. QUALITY OF PRINT This command allows you to control the blackness of print. Single-strike mode, in which the printhead makes one pass over the line of print, is lightest. The maximum setting is 5, which causes the printhead to make five passes of the line of print, striking every dot five times. Range: 1 - 5 Location: Text Format Menu Embedded Command ^Q=n n is a number within the accepted range In Use Quality of print affects all print on a line, both text and graphics. Since print quality operates on a printing line, it can change only between lines. When an embedded command to change print quality is found, the actual change takes place on the current line, affecting even previous text on that line. You may want to place the print quality command only at the beginning of a paragraph or on a line by itself. PAGE NUMBERING; POSITION; START This group of commands controls the automatic printing of page numbers on each page of your document. The first command turns page numbers on or off. The second command, Position, selects top or bottom of the page. The third command, Start, allows you to begin numbering, with any positive integer. All page numbers are printed in the font loaded into Position 1. Ranges: Yes/No; Top/Bottom; 0 - 999 Location: Print Document Menu Embedded Command ^PG=Y or ^PG=N (print page numbers) none (top/bottom) ^PN=n (start number) n is a number within the accepted range In Use Embedded commands to change the start number take effect on the next page number. If page numbers are set to print at the top of the page, any changes will take place on the page following the command. If the page numbers are set to print at the bottom of the page, any changes will take place on the current page. NOTE: Printrix cannot print page numbers past 999. The page following 999 will be numbered 0. NEW PAGE This command instructs Printrix to being a new page immediately. Typesetting breaks off at the point where the new page command is found, and resumes at the top of the following page, in singe-column printing, or at the top of the nex tcolumn, in two-column printing. Location: Embedded Command Only New Page ^NP In Use If the new page command happens to coincide with the automatic page break at the bottom margin, Printrix will skip a page before resuming printing. If this occurs, remove the new page command or any adjacent carriage returns, or adjust the bottom margin. TWO COLUMN PRINTING This command allows you to print in newspaper-stye column. Printrix prints the first column, then uses the reverse linefeed capability of the printer to return to the top of that page and print the second column. Range: Yes/No Location: Text Format Menu Embedded Command ^C=Y or ^C=N In Use Within the printing window defined by the margin settings, Printrix automatically calculates column width and gutter space (the space left blank between the columns). When you are printing in two columns, the ^NP command immediately breaks the current column and moves printing to the top of the next column, whether that is on the same page or the following page. If you use the embedded command to be in two-column printing (^C=Y), Printrix stops the current printing line immediately, moves to the next lines, and resumes printing on that line, in two columns. We suggest you insert this command at the beginning or end of a paragraph or on a line by itself. If you use the embedded command to end two-column printing (^C=N), Printrix finishes the current page in two-column mode, then begins the next page without columns. You may want to use this command in conjunction with the ^NP command. Check Your Printer If you have one of these printers (Apple DMP, Imagewriter, ImageWriter II; C. Itoh 8510, 8510 SCP; Fujitsu DL2400, DL2600; NEC 8023, 8025, CP-6, CP-7, P5, P5XL, P6, P7; Texas Instruments 855, 857, 865; Toshiba 1340, 1351, P351, P351C), Printrix automatically utilizes a reverse linefeed capacity to return to the top of the page between columns. If your printer was not listed abive, you must return to the top of the page manually. To do this, set Wait at End of Page to Yes. Then, when the printer pauses, turn it off-line, roll the paper back, turn it on-line, and press the spacebar to resume printing. Wait at End of Page This command pauses Printrix between every page of typesetting, allowing you to change paper stock, adjust the paper position, etc. You may not change the Printrix settings or the textfile during these pauses. Range: Yes/No Location: Print Document Menu (menu command only) Special Use : Two-Column Printing This command may be used to allow two-column printing on printers which don't have reverse linefeed capabilities. Set Wait to Yes and Two-Column Printing to Yes. When the printer pauses at the bottom of the first column, manually roll the paper back to the top of that page, and press the space bar to resume printing. NUMBER OF COPIES This command allows you to print multiple copies of a document. Range: 1 - 999 Location: Print Document Menu (menu command only) PRINT LITERAL CHARACTER This command is used to print a Printrix embedded command as part of your document. Use it to tell the program to print, rather than interpret, a command. Range: one character, the carat (^) Location: Embedded Command Only ^L=^ Examples: The text string ^L=^ML=2 will be typeset as ^ML=-2. The text string ^ML-2 will result in setting the left margin to a value of 2. In Use The ^L= command is needed only when you want to print a Printrix command. In all other uses of the carat, when the following characters do not match a Printrix command, they will be printed automatically. This command does not allow you to pass an escape sequence to the printer. UNDERLINING Two embedded commands work together to produce underlining in your documents. The first turns underlining on, the second turns underlining off. All text, numerals, punctuation, spaces, and tabs between the commands will be underlined. Location: Embedded Command Only Start Underline ^US End Underline ^UE Timing The underline commands take effect immediately, even between the characters of a word. Special Uses: Tabs Tab commands and underlining work well together to draw horizontal lines. This feature is useful in creating forms, designing tables, etc. Examples: ^TC^TS=1.2^TS=3.5NAME^TAB^US^TAB^UE ADDRESS^TAB^US^TAB^UE ^TAB^US^TAB^UE ^TAB^US^TAB^UE TELEPHONE^TAB^US^TAB^UE will print as: NAME ______________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ TELEPONE ______________________________________________________ ^TC^TS=3 Chapter One ^US^TAB^UE 3 Chapter Two ^US^TAB^UE 8 Chapter Three ^US^TAB^UE 21 Chapter Four ^US^TAB^UE 35 will print as: Chapter One ____________________________________________________ 3 Chapter Two ____________________________________________________ 8 Chapter Three __________________________________________________ 21 Chapter Four ___________________________________________________ 35 FONT LIBRARY PARAMETERS Select Active Font Use the number keys, 1 through 4, to an active font from the group of fonts in he current layout file. Here, the active font is the font or font location which you wish to operate on. On the screen, an asterisk denotes the currently selected active font. Range: 1-4 Location: Font Library Menu (menu command only) Load Font from Disk This command lets you load a font from disk into the currently specified active font location (indicated on screen by an asterisk). Location: Font Library Menu (menu command only) Procedure: 1. Select the active font location by pressing a number key. (Note: There may already be a font associated with that location. You may load a font anyway; Printrix will first delete the current resident, then load the new font. 2. Press L. 3. Enter the prefix and filename which locate and identify the font you want to load. Press RETURN. Printrix looks at the specified area. If it finds a file of the specified name, it will display the file and ask for confirmation. (Note: If you press RETURN without entering a prefix or filename, Printrix will search the default area for any file with a SET.filename form. You may accept any of the fonts it finds there.) If you answer Y, that font is loaded. If you answer N, Printrix continue to search the area. If Printrix cannot find a font with the specified name, the screen will display a message and wait for further instructions. Delete Font from Memory This Font Library option deletes the active font from the current layout file. Use it to make room for loading other fonts. Delete Active Font does not disturb any font files on disk, or change the layout file on disk unless you resave it without the deleted font. Location: Font Library Menu (menu command only) Procedure: 1. Select the active font location by pressing a number key. 2. Press D. Reload Font Library This option lets you load an entire new library of fonts in one fell swoop. Printrix will load into the current layout file the first four fonts it finds on a specified prefix, until it runs out of memory space. The fonts are loaded in the order they are found on disk, with the font parameters which are saved with the font. The layout file's font specifications are overwritten. However, this font information will not be saved with the layout file for reuse UNLESS you perform the Save Layout File operation. Location: Font Library Menu (menu command only) Procedure: 1. Press R. 2. Enter the prefix where the desired fonts are located, and press RETURN. The screen will display the font loading process. Font Sub-Directories If you have a certain group of fonts that you generally use for one application, and another group that gets used for a different application, etc., you may find it convenient to keep the fonts on separate disks or on separate paths. You can then use the Reload command to load an entire group of fonts quickly. Change Font Parameters This command causes Printrix to display a new menu, from which you may change the printing parameters of the active font. Location: Font Library Menu (menu command only) Embedded Commands Override Each of the nine font parameters has a corresponding embedded command which may be inserted in your textfile. The menu parameters define the starting form of the font; embedded commands change the font for special purposes within the textfile. Within one printing job, the embedded commands control the font appearance. After the document has finished printing, the fonts are reset to their original parameters for new print jobs. Font Name and Cell Size These two parameters may not be altered, either from the menu or from textfile. They are displayed on the Change Font Parameters menu for information purposes. The font name identifies the current font. It is the filename with which the font was saved to disk in Fontrix. To change a font name, load the font in the Fontrix Font Editor, change its name, and resave it. The ProDOS renaming function is not effective. Cell size refers to the font character frames - imaginary rectangles which contain the characters. The cell size is the same for all characters of the font, even though the characters within each cell may be of different heights and widths. The cell dimensions are measured in dots. Proportional Spacing This parameter allows you to select proportional or nonproportional character spacing for the active font. If a font is printed in its nonproportional form, each character gets a preset amount of horizontal space, independent of the width of the character. If a font is printed in its proportional form, each character receives a horizontal space determined by its width. The excess space is shaved off the right edge of the character cell. Range: Yes/No Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FP=Y or ^FP=N In Use For most printing, proportional spacing is preferable because it produces text that is evenly spaced to the eye, while nonproportional spacing can leave distracting gaps between characters. For some applications, however, nonproportional spacing is required. For example, you may wish to print columns of numbers which are vertically aligned. If this is the case, you will need to set the Spacebar Width equal to the horizontal cell size of the font you are using, and give the font a negative Character Spacing Gap, so that the character cells overlap when printed. Some experimentation may be required to find the best setting for your font; start with a negative value that is one-third the horizontal cell size. Character Spacing Gap and Spacebar Width are other font parameters, covered later in this chapter. For a more extensive explanation of nonproportaial printing, with examples, see Lesson Two. Character Spacing Gap This parameter determines the amount of space Printrix issues between character in a font. Spacing gap is measured in dots (pixels). This space is inserted between the character cells, whether the font is set for proportional or nonproportional printing. Range: -99 to 99 NOTE: In this case, the - symbol means a negative value. It does NOT mean that the new character spacing gap is relative to the previous value. Do NOT use a + symbol for positive values of the character spacing gap. Location: Change Font Paramters Menu Embedded Command ^FS=n n is a value within the accepted range Special Uses: Kerning, Nonproportional Printing The ability to set the spacing gap to a negative value is useful for nonproportional printing, as explained in that section, and in Lesson Two. The ability to change the spacing gap in either direction allows you to fine-tune your printing. This is especially important with large fonts, and in headlines or captions. The most frequent application is kerning. Kerning refers to adjusting the spacing gap between particular pairs of letters to keep the overall appearance of the text even. In the following example, the kerned text was created by adjusting the character spacing gap between the letters T/o, F/a, V/A, T/A, A/G, L/Y, and Y/C. After each adjustment, the character spacing gap must be reset to its original value for the other letters in the word. Example: Unkerned: Town, Fame, ADVANTAGE, LYCEUM Kerned Town, Fame, ADVANTAGE, LYCEUM (You'll have to try this to get the full effect. AppleWorks isn't that flexible!) Textfile: T^FS=-2o^FS=1w^FS=4n F^FS=-1a^FS=4me AD^FS=1^FS=4A^FS=4NT^FS=-2A^FS=-1G^FS=rE L^FS=-4^FS=-1C^FS=4EUM Linefeed Gap This parameter is used to set the amount of space between lines. It is measure in dots (pixels). When there is more than one font on a line, the linefeed gap of the largest font is used for the entire line. Range: 0-99 Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FL=n n is a value within the accepted range Relative Values Apply You may define the embedded command for linefeed gap in either absolute or relative values. Absolute values are entered WITHOUT = or - symbols, and they determine the number of dots between the bottom of one line and the top of the next. Relative values are entered WITH a = or - symbol. The value is then added to or subtracted from the previous linefeed gap value. In Use The linefeed gap parameter may be used for fine-tuning the space between lines, or "leading." However, the command applies only to one font at a time (the active font), to be sure to change the linefeed gap values for as many fonts as needed for your format requirements. If you want to double- or triple-space an entire docucment, you may either change the linefeed gaps of all fonts, or use the Linefeed Advance parameter (discussed earlier in this chapter). However, if you want to use a combination of single-, double- and/or triple-spacing, use the linefeed gap commands. Spacebar Width This parameter defines the amount of space left blank between words. It is measured in dots. Range: 0-99 Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FW=n n is a value within the accepted range Relative Values Apply When using the embedded form of the spacebar width command, you may define the width in either absolute or relative values. Absolute values are entered WITHOUT = or -symbols, and determine the number of dots between the last character of the previous word and the first character of the following word. Relative values are entered WITH a = or = symbol. The value is then added to or subtracted from the previous spacebar with value. In Use: Tables/Vertical Alignment When printing columns of numbers or characters, the font in use must be set for nonproportional spacing, a negative character spacing gap, and a spacebar width equal to the horizontal cell size. For a more complete discussion, see Lesson Two. Baseline The baseline is an imaginary horizontal line which positions the font upon the age. Letters such as "x," "a," and "L" rest directly upon the baseline. Letters such as "g" and "y" rest their bodies upon the baseline, while their descenders rest below it. When you change fonts, each font is aligned on the same baseline for continuity across the page (the common baseline). Changing a font's baseline value will move the font vertically with respect to the common baseline. If you increase a font's baseline value, characters will be printed above the common baseline. If you decrease the font's baseline value, it will be printed below the common baseline. The baseline value is measured in dots. The top row of dots in a character cell is zero, and the bottom row is the vertical cell size of that font. Range: 0-99 Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FB=n n is a value within the accepted range Relative Values Apply When using the embedded form of the baseline command, you may enter the baseline in either absolute or relative values. Absolute values are entered WITHOUT = or - symbols. An absolute value counts dots down from the top of the character cell to position the baseline. Relative baseline values are entered WITH a = or - symbol. The value is added to or subtracted from the previous value. Special Uses: Superscript/Subscript You may use the baseline parameter to cause characters to float above or hang below the common baseline or a line of text for performing special effects, or tasks like super- or subscripting. You may also want to change to a smaller font at the same time. Examples: E = MC^FB=(=10)2 prints as: E = MC2 If you baseline command move a font up or down more than half of the current linefeed gap, Printrix will increase the space between the lines to accomodate the repositioning. Italics This parameter allows you to italicize (slant to the right) the active font. Range: Yes/No Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FI=Y or ^F!=N Horizontal Boldface This parameter allows you to increase the weight of vertical lines in the active font. Range: 0 - 4 Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FH=n n is a value within the accepted range Relative Values Apply When you use the embedded form of the boldface command, you may enter either an absolute or a relative value. Absolute values determine the amount of weight added to the font. They are entered WITHOUT a = or - symbol. Relative values are added to or subtracted from the previous boldface value. They are entered WITH a = or - symbol. Font Magnification The horizontal and vertical magnification parameters may be used together or separately to increase the printed size of a font. The horizontal magnification factor increases a font's width: the vertical magnification factor increases its height. You may double, triple, quadruple, etc., a font; you may not decrease it or enlarge it by a noninteger factor such as 1.5 or 2.75. Range: 1 - 99 Location: Change Font Parameters Menu Embedded Command ^FX=x (horizontal magnification factor) ^FY=y (vertical magnification factor) x and y are values within the accepted range Relative Values Apply You may use either absolute or relative values with the embedded form of the magnification command. Absolute values are entered WITHOUT + or - symbols, and determine the size of the font directly. Relative values are entered WITH a + or - sign, and are added to or subtracted from the previous magnification value. In other words, if a font's current horizontal magnification value is 2, and your textfile contains the command ^FX==2, the result will be a font printing at four times the original width. In Use With magnification factors of 1, Printrix prints one dot at the printer for each dot in the original font. With a magnification factor of 2, Printrix print two dots at the printer for each dot in the original font. If you use large magnification values, the resolution (its smoothness) of the font when printed will decrease. You may use magnification to produce the extended and compressed versions of existing fonts. You may also use magnification to compensate for nonsquare aspect ratios of printers. (See Chapter Three for a discussion of aspect ratio in relation to graphics printing.) Font Color This parameter allows you to change the printing color of a font, if you have a color printer. There are fifteen color options, each designated by a number. 1 - Black 9 - Yellow-Black 2 - Blue 10 - Green 3 - Blue-Black 11 - Green-Black 4 - Red 12 - Orange 5 - Red-Black 13 - Orange-Black 6 - Purple 14 - Brown 7 - Purple-Black 15 - Brown-Black 8 - Yellow Range: 1 - 15 Location: Embedded Command ^FC=n n is a number within the accepted range In Use The command to change font color affects only the current active font. If you change fonts, the new font will print in its current color setting, whatever that may be. If you haven't set the font's color yet, the default color is black. The command takes effect immediately, even within a word. GRAPHICS PARAMETERS Three comands exist to print a graphic form from your textfile. The first is used to call a standard singe hi-res screen, created by many programs including Fontrix. The second is used to call a Fontrix Graffile, which is an extended-screen graphic created only by Fontrix. The third is used to call a Print Ship-compatible ART.graphic. A graphic must be called from the textfile, with the embedded command corresponding to the graphic type. The embedded command contains the filename the desired graphic, and may or may not also contain location information. The position, magnification, etc., of the graphic is controlled by a combination of embedded commands and menu commands. Print a singe hi-res screen: ^GPS="/prefix/filename" Print a Fontrix Graffile: ^GPG="/prefix/filename" Print an ART.graphic: ^GPA="/prefix/filename" The filename and any location information MUST be enclosed in quotes. If the location information is omitted, Printrix will search the default path (the last graphic accessed) for the graphic. If it finds a file with the appropriate filename, that file will be printed. If no such file is found, Printrix will display a "File Not Found" message on screen, and offer you the opportunity to enter a new prefix. If the location information is incorrect, Printrix will first search the specified area, then display the "File Not Found" message and allow you to entra new location. Examples: The following embedded command would print a single hi-res screen names pic.halleys which is currently on disk. ^GPS="/diskname/pci.halleys" The following embedded command would print a Graffile names gfl.skyscape, which is stored in a subdirectory named Graffile. ^GPG="/diskname/graffile/glf,skyscape" The following embedded command would print a clip-art graphic called art.santa. Since no location is given, Printrix will first search its default directory, then ask you for directions. ^GPA="art.santa" Timing A graphic called by these commands will begin printing on the line immediately following the current printing line, IF there is room remaining on the page. If the graphic call is encountered near the bottom of the page with insufficient space remaining before the bottom margin, Printrix will hold the graphic until the next page. If you call a graphic while another graphic is printing (if the second call comes too soon in the textfile), the second command will be ignored. Watch Your Margins If you try to print a graphic that is larger than the printing window (the rectangle defined by the four margins), Printrix will automatically move the graphic to the left margin, then crop it on the right and/or bottom edges to fit the available space. To prevent this, reset your margins to accommodate the graphic size BEFORE calling the graphic. If you call a graphic before inserting the margin change command, the new margin values will be put on hold until the graphic has finished printing. GRAPHIC MAGNIFICATION Two commands control graphic magnification - one for the horizontal dimension and one for the vertical dimension. You may set them to the same or different values, as you choose. To print a graphic in its original size, use the default magnification values of 1 and 1. To double its size, set both dimensions to 2. Only integer values may be used (in other words, Printrix will not accept a magnification value of 1.5). A graphic magnification setting will apply to all graphics in the textfile, unless changed by a subsequent embedded command. Remember that the size of the graphic when printed depends not only on the original size of the graphic but also on the resolution of your printer. Range: 1 - 99 Location: Graphic Format Menu Embedded Command ^GX=x (horizontal magnification factor) ^GY=y (vertical magnification factor) x and y are values within the accepted range Note: As you move from magnification factors of 1x1 to factors of 2x2, you are essentially causing the printer to print a 2x2 block of dots for every dot in the original graphic. This increases the size of the print-out, and also decreases the apparent resolution of the graphic - diagonal lines and curves will exhibit the "stairstep" or "jaggy" effect. Therefore, magnify only when necessary. Special Uses: Correcting for Non-Square Aspect Ratios Many printers have different print densities for the horizontal and vertical dimensions. (The relationship of horizontal to vertical resolution is called asect ratio.) When printing graphics, this results in distortion of the graphic - stretching in one direction or the other. Circles on screen are printed as elipses, etc. You may use the magnification commands to correct for non-square aspect ratios by setting the horizontal and vertical dimension accordingly. For example, many Epson printers have a horizontal resolution of 120 dpi (dots per inch) and a vertical resolution of 75 dpi. Unmagnified, a graphic will print tall and thin. To correct, set the horizontal magnification factor to 3 and the vertical to 2. This results in a horizontal resolution of 40 dpi and a vertical resolution of 37 dpi, accurate enough for most purposes. Of course, the graphic now has increased in size and decreased in resolution, so weigh all these factors against each other and design the page or the graphic accordingly. Negative Image This parameter allows you to print a graphic as a negative image of itself. Like a photographic negative, dark and light areas of the picture are reversed. If the graphic is in color, pairs of colors will be reversed. Range: Yes/No Location: Graphic Format Menu Embedded Command ^GN-Y or ^GN=N Caution: If you have a dot matrix printer, be careful about printing large areas in solid black - you may overhead the printhead element and shorten the life of your printer. If you have an inkjet or laser printer, don't worry. Horizontal Placement This parameter allows you to position a graphic against the left margin, against the right margin, or centered between the margins. Range: L, R, or C Location: Graphic Format Menu Embedded Command ^GH=L, ^GH=R, or ^GH=C Relationship to Text The relationship of text to graphics is controlled by two parameters, Horizontal Placement and Fit Text to Graphic, described later in this section. If a graphic is positioned left or right, you may command the text to "Flow" around the graphic - "graphic run-around." Lines of text are full length above and below the graphic, and are shortened beside the graphic to fill the space between the graphic and the opposite margin. If a graphic is centered, no run-around is possible, and text will break above and below the graphic. Graphic Color Printing This parameter allows you to enable or suppress color printing of graphics. Range: Yes/No Location: Graphic Format Menu Embedded Command ^GC=Y or ^GC=N Fit Text to Graphic This parameter allows you to select between three arrangements of text around an inserted graphic: Break, Flow, and Overlay. Break: holds text typesetting while the graphic is being printed. When the graphic has finished, typesetting resumes. Flow: performs a "graphic run-around" in which any remaining space to the side of the graphic is filled with short lines of text. Flow is operative ONLY when the graphic is positioned left or right. If the graphic is centered, you must choose either Break or Overlay. If you forgt and set the parameter to Flow, Printrix will ignore the command and execute a Break. (Left, right, and center are controlled by the Horizontal Placement parameter, discussed earlier in this section.) Overlay: allows you to print text directly on a graphic. Separate from Text This parameter controls the amount of space left blank between a graphic and the surrounding text. Included are the areas above, below, and to either side of the graphic. These areas are cometimes called "gutter space." Range: 0.00 to max max = length of printing line, or distance between the left and right text margins Location: Graphic Format Menu (menu command only) APPENDIX A: FILE CONVERSION All files used by Printrix must be in ProDOS format. This includes textfiles, fonts, and graphics. Your textfiles and graphics may already be in ProDOS format. However, if you want to use Fontrix Graffiles, fonts from the Fontpaks, or any DOS3.3 textfiles and graphics, you must convert those graphics according to the following procedure. ProDOS Conversion: Textfiles and Singe-Screen Graphics Apple provides two utilities to perform the DOS3.3-ProDOS conversion. They are located on the ProDOS Systems Utilities Disks. CONVERT comes with the older Apple II computers. CHANGE DISK'S FORMAT comes with the Apple //c and newer Apple II computers. To use either program, follow the procedures described in your Apple manual. ProDOS Conversion: Graffiles Fontrix Graffiles require special conversion procedures. A conversion utility is proved for you on the /CONFIGURE disk. To convert a Fontrix Graffile to ProDOS format, set the prefix to /CONFIGURE and insert the /CONFIGURE disk (or, if you're running from hard disk, set the prefix to the appropriate subdirectory). Then input -PX.CONVERT. A menu appears, from which you may specify the source disk and file, catalog the contets of a disk, and begin the conversion. An on-screen counter keeps track of the conversion process. ProDOS Conversion: Fonts All Printrix fonts were created by Printrix's sister program, Fontrix, ins DOS 3.3 format. The fonts contained on the Printrix disks /FONTS1 and /FONTS2 have already been converted for use with Printrix. However, if you own Fontpaks, which were created using Fontrix, or if you have created Fontrix fonts for your own use, these fonts must be converted before you may use them with Printrix. The font conversion is a two-step process. First, the file structure must be changed to ProDOS. Second, three font parameters must be added to the font file. To convert the file format to ProDOS, follow the procedure described earlier for conversion of textfiles and single-screen graphics. Then, set the prefix to /CONFIGURE disk and insert the /CONFIGURE disk (or, if you're running from hard disk, set the prefix to the appropriate subdirectory). Type -FONT.SETUP. Enter the prefix and filename of the font you're converting. Printrix now goes to a look-up table to read the font size. From this it calculates the three parameters of spacebar width, character spacing gap, and baseline. The results are displayed on screen. You may change any of these values, or accept Printrix's suggestions. Press RETURN to save the font with the new parameters. Feel free to experiment with these settings. You may find it convenient to set up particular fonts to use in super/subscripting (change the baseline value), or nonproportional printing (change the spacebar width and character spacing gap). APPENDIX B: Printers If you read Chapter 3, you know that Printrix prints in graphics mode, which makes the size and proportion of the print dependent on the printer's graphics resolution and aspect ratio. Consult the technical manual for your printer to determine the dip switch settings and resolution (dots per inch) of your printer. APPENDIX C: FONTS Printrix comes with 43 fonts, which are contained on the Printrix disks, for your use. They are ready to be loaded and used. Additional fonts are available on Fontpaks. APPENDIX D: ART.GRAPHICS A number of four-sector graphics are contained on the Printrix Configuration Disk. THey may be used with the Printrix ^GPA command.