APPLE // Software THE REVIEWER - A study tool for students. Enter questions using the maintenance module and let the student take an online quiz. THE REVIEWER appeared in NIBBLE magazine and will run on any Apple ][ computer. This is a Shrinkit archive file. (Added 10/13/97) SHERLOCK'S LOST PIPE - This program was developed in conjunction with the Junior League of Erie. It was displayed at the Erie Historical Museum to teach about life in the Victorian age. Try to find Sherlock's lost pipe by the clues that are provided. This is a DOS 3.3 Shrinkit disk archive. It will run on any Apple ][ equipped with Applesoft BASIC and a 5.25" disk drive. (Added 10/13/97) DATING GAME - A party game for young adults. Find your perfect steady. Match up your friends at a party based on their responses to our questionnaire. This is a DOS 3.3 Shrinkit disk archive. It will run on any Apple ][ equipped with Applesoft BASIC and a 5.25" disk drive. VICTORIAN ARCHITECTURE - This program was developed in conjunction with the Junior League of Erie. It was displayed at the Erie Historical Museum to teach visitors about Victorian architecture in Erie, PA. See if you can rebuild one of 3 different Victorian mansions. This is a DOS 3.3 Shrinkit disk archive. It will run on any apple ][ equipped with Applesoft BASIC and a 5.25" disk drive. It runs extremely fast on an Apple //GS. RAGS OR RICHES - This program was developed in conjunction with the Junior League of Erie. It was displayed at the Erie Historical Museum to teach visitors about life in Erie, PA during the Victorian Age. See if you can make the economic choices that will make you wealthy. This is a DOS 3.3 Shrinkit disk archive file. It will run on any Apple ][ computer that is equipped with Applesoft BASIC and a 5.25" disk drive. If you run this on a GS, it will run fast. APPLE ][ CRYPTO - If you enjoy word games; you'll love this game. NIBBLE passed on this game and printed a much inferior cryptogram program in one of the magazine's last issues. This is a Shareware program since I never recovered any development costs on this program. The fee---a cheap $5.00. The program will work on any enhanced Apple //e, //c or GS. It is stored in a Shrinkit archive. Unpack and play. When in the game, enter a question mark to get a list of commands. TRIVI-OIL - Learn how oil influenced growth in the Venango area of Pennsylvania. I developed this program for the Venango County Museum. It will run on an enhanced Apple //e w/128k, //c or GS. These files are in a Shrinkit archive file. SCRAMBLER - Four letter words with a twist. Change one letter to make a new word. You play the computer. The first player unable to make a new word is the loser. SCRAMBLER will work on any Apple ][ computer. This is a Shrinkit archive file. BASEBALL STATS - This program was developed for owners of the now defunct Erie Cardinals. It was used in 1985 & 1986 to track the players on this NYP League team. Included are the stats for Todd Ziele & Luis Alicea to name a few. This program would be easily converted to track any pro, college, high school or little league team. BASEBALL STATS will run on any enhanced Apple //e, //c or GS. These files are in a Shrinkit archive file. HIGH ROLLER - A strategy game of dice and chance. This NIBBLE program will run on any Apple ][ computer. HIGH ROLLER is a Shrinkit archive file. SCREEN EDIT 80 - A complete screen editor for the enhanced Apple //e, //c or GS. Create documentation screens that don't reside as PRINT statements in BASIC programs. SCREEN EDIT 80 was published in NIBBLE. This is a Shrinkit archive file. TEXTFILE UTILITY - Create sequential text files or EXEC files the easy way. Another NIBBLE software package that I developed for any Apple ][. This is a Shrinkit archive file. TANK COMBAT - Play the computer in a game of strategy. Wipe out the computer's forces before it wipes out YOU! TANK COMBAT appeared in NIBBLE magazine and will run on any Apple ][ computer. This is a Shrinkit archive file. ANOTHER TRIVIA GAME - Written in Applesoft BASIC, this game pits your knowledge against that of up to three opponents. The program comes with 200 questions and an editor for creating your own questions. Additional data disks are available for $5.00. Ordering instructions are on the disk. This is a Shrinkit archive file. Once unpacked, ANOTHER TRIVIA GAME will run on all Apple ][ computers. CHEESY GAMES - A collection of old "cheesy" games that I wrote when I first bought my Apple ][. Included in this folder is Applogic. Guess the numbers and their position in a group of numbers. The game has several levels of difficulty. Cryptologic - Decipher the scrambled word. Artillery Range - blow away the target by adjusting the angle of your cannon. E.S.P. - See if you have a 6th sense. These programs are in a Shrinkit archive and will run on any Apple ][ computer. CLAUSTROPHOBIA - Originally released as Stack 'em Up! but underwent a change for publication in NIBBLE. Stack up the falling aliens and shout their bombs before they fence you in. This game requires a set of game paddles or a joystick. This program is in a Shrinkit archive. Once unpacked it will run on anny Apple ][ computer. LAZER BLASTER - Another alien shoot 'em up that appeared in NIBBLE. Shoot the space ships and asteroids as they move toward your space station. This version requires the use of a joystick or game paddles. This program is in a Shrinkit archive. Once extracted it will run on any Apple ][ computer. ADVANCED MESSAGE CENTER - Designed as an in-house message center for the family of for use by small businesses with old computer equipment. Leave messages for family members or workers. Post general announcements. This file is a GS Shrinkit archive file that must be unpacked before using. It will run on an enhanced //e, //c or Apple //GS. NIBBLE ALMANAC - One of the last programs printed in NIBBLE. You've all seen the Hallmark birthday greetings. Here's the Apple version. This file contains data files for 1948 through 1988. This file is a GS Shrinkit archive file that must be unpacked before using. NIBBLE ALMANAC will run on any enhanced //e, //c or Apple //GS. The archive also includes my original article on how to use & modify the program. An editor is included for adding your own data. FOUR LETTER WORDS - A fun word game for the entire family. This version is written in Applesoft BASIC and comes complete with an editor for changing or entering words into the programs library of 4 letter words. This files is a GS Shrinkit archive file that must be unpacked before using. FOUR LETTER WORDS will run on any enhanced //e, //c or Apple //GS. Look for the GS HyperCard version of FOUR LETTER WORDS. THE UTILITY LOG - One of my earlier NIBBLE programs. Track up to four utility bills and compare your yearly usage. Charting & reports are available to the screen and to the printer. This files is a GS Shrinkit archive file that must be unpacked before using. THE UTILITY LOG will run on any enhanced //e, //c or Apple //GS. _________________________________________________________________