U4MOCKV2 U4MOCKV2 lets you play Ultima IV on your GS with Mockingboard sound. (You do need a Mockingboard!) This update replaces the original and fixes a bug in the HELLO program on the U4MB.INST disk. The bug has no impact on the function of the Ultima IV copy or setup programs. The update is issued because the HELLO is intended to be useful as a program selector on other diskettes. Bug: If a user chose the [I]NIT option and selected Drive 2 as the target, the program would CATALOG Drive 1 and then go ahead and INIT the diskette in Drive 2. The program is supposed to try to CATALOG the INIT target disk whatever drive it is in. The idea is to let the user have a chance to see what is on the disk about to be INITed and ESC from doing the INIT in case it is one the user wishes to leave alone. (If the target disk cannot be CATALOGed-- for example, if it is a blank, unformatted disk-- the INIT proceeds with no further prompts.) This update fixes the bug so that [I]NIT functions properly. There are no other changes to anything in U4MOCK. Rubywand