DUNGEON MASTER SPECIAL ITEMS and MAGIC ( Extracted from the original hint disk ) AMULETS Amulet of Duga - Causes magical earthquakes Ekkhard Cross - Protects Priests and increases experience thru learning Gem Of Ages - MANA is increased Moonstone - Increased magic and influence for wizards Pendant Feral - Increases agility and wisdom (originally Wuuf's) Spirit Eye - Protection from magic Hellion - Combines magic, physik, and energy interchangeably into any form. RINGS Stormring - Propels lightning bolts Eye Of Time - Stops time for all but those specified by wearer. CLOTHING Cloak Of Night - Adds to dexterity Powertower - Leg braces which increase strength Flamit - Gauntlet which casts flames Speedboots - Enhances speed of the wearer ARMOR Armor Of Darc - Possibly the strongest armor in these worlds Armor Of Lyte - Better and lighter than plate mail Dexhelm - Increases wearers prowess Mithril Armor - Much lighter and better than chain mail Flamebain - Repels fire WEAPONS Bolt Blade - Lightning sword Delta Sword - Thrusting weapon Diamond Edge - Great against armor Hardcleave - Finest battle-axe (capable of berserk attacks) The Inquisitor - One of the finest weapons in the world (adds MANA too) Vorpal Blades - For ethereal beings (possibly only usable by magic users) CROWNS Calista - Wearer can call forth great riches. How, is the question. Nerra - Provides special abilities OTHER ITEMS Horn Of Fear - Blowing it might instill fear in enemy. Magnifier - Provides light/fire Mirror Of Dawn - Good against the ethereal beings, and for some magic walls STAFFS AND WANDS Dragonspit - Absorbs flame Scepter Of Lyf - Healing properties Staff Of Manar - Attacks elemental/ethereal beings and wards off damage The Conduit - Creates storms and gives wielder ability to see thru walls Yew Staff - A twin staff of Manar (?) What some of the Items are capible of? Inquisitor sword: mana +3, swing, thrust, berzerk attacks Vorpal Blade Sword: mana +4, jab, cleave, disrupt attacks Good against non material beings. Diamond Edge Sword: stab, chop, cleave attacks Good against armor and hard shell monsters. Falchion Sword: swing, parry, chop attacks Hardcleve Axe: chop, cleave, berzerker attacks Good against armor and hard shell monsters. Flamit Gauntlet: swing, fireball attacks. Hellion Amulet: Unknown Shield of Darc: Block, hit attacks when in right hand. Ullumulet Amulet: Unknown Boots of Speed: Increase carrying ability Calista Head Band: Unknown Jewel Symal Amulet: Unknown Ekhardt Cross: Helps priests learn spells. Shield of Lyte: Light in weight armor. Gems : Unknown except where specificaly needed for puzzles. Stone Club: Throw, club attacks Bow: shoots arrows and slayer arrows. Speedbow: same as above with more damage and reload speed. Rapier Sword: jab, parry and thrust attacks Sabre Sword: jab, parry, melee attacks Tech Wand: mana +4, calm, spellshield, fireshield abilities. Yew Staff: mana +4, parry, light maker, dispell attacks Delta sword: Mana +1, chop, melee, thrust attacks Fury Sword: chop, melee, fireball attacks Bolt Blade: jab, chop, lightning attacks Axe: swing, chop, melee attacks Mace of Order: swing, bash, stun attacks Rabbits foot: none Mirror of Dawn: Used to open a couple doors Moonstone: mana +3 Gem of Ages: Helps non mana characters start casting spells. Storm Ring: lightening attacks Eye of Time Ring: freeze monster attacks Horn of Fear: Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Staff of Manar: Mana +3, fireshield and dispell elementals SPELLS PRIEST SPELLS: (prefix with a power symbol) ya Stamina Potion. Great when you run low on food, or a character becomes overburdened and loses a lot of stamina. ya bro Magic shield potion. Cast into a empty flask to place a shield around an individual character. Useful when one character cannot handle another blow. (I did not use this spell at all.) ya bro dain Wisdom potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a character inceases his wisdom for a while. (Another spell I never found a use for.) ya bro neta Vitality Potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a character increases his "vitality". (I never found a use for this spell.) vi Heal potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a character restores lost hit points. (I had one character who only carried these flasks. They are used a lot.) vi bro Cure Poison potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a "poisoned" character stops the loss of hit points. (Use the lowest power setting for this spell. Higher power levels do not increase its abilities.) Carry at least one for each character when in the upper levels. oh ven Poison Cloud. Cast into a monster party causes continual damage to take place as long as the cloud is evident and they do not move from the square it was cast on. oh ew ra See through walls. Allows you to see through one square of wall. Higher power settings only make the spell last longer. oh kath sar Monster confusion. (Never needed by my characters.) oh bro ros Dexterity potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a character increases his dexterity. Good for giving your fighters the "edge" when fighting monsters. (They get more attacks per turn.) ful bro ku Strength potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a character increases his strength. Good for fighters when attacking creatures of high hit points. (A potion I never used much.) ful bro neta Fire shield. Protects the party from minor fire spells like the ones the Beholders cast. (Forget using it for the Dragon. It won't help if you hits you with one of his breaths. zo bro ra Mana potion. Cast into an empty flask and given to a character replenishes his mana (ability to cast spells). (Priest has nothing to do and lots of mana? Empty a flask and cast this. You can always use this to cast heal potions, if needed. Nothing increases mana except time and this.) WIZARD SPELLS: ya ir Shield whole party. Good for the upper levels. Usualy not needed in lower levels if your characters have lots of hit points. ya bro ros Leave footprints. Useful in finding "spinner" plates but why use it when you have our maps? oh ew sar Invisibility. Obvious use. (Never thought of trying it. How dumb of me.) oh kath ra Lightening bolt. Good killing power. oh ir ra Light spell. Not worth the mana it costs. ful Torch spell. The first and most used spell in the game. ful ir Fireball. Good general kill-all spell. (But, some monsters are not effected or require several hits.) des ven Poison ball. Great for the stand and fight technique. It does continual damage until the cloud dispells. NOTE: don't walk into it or you will take damage also. des ew Weaken Non-Material beings. This is useful against the strange see-through monsters you encounter and the floor monsters. (You'll know them when you see them.) des ir sar Darkness spell. (Never needed this spell.) zo Open button doors. (Needed at one puzzle. This opens only doors with buttons. Only used once.) zo ven Poison potion. Cast into an empty flask and thrown at a creature creates a poison cloud (green looking) that does continual damage as long as the creature doesn't move from that spot. zo kath ra Zokathra spell is used to remove the gem from the wall on the lowest level. Leave alone until needed. ORDER OF STRENGTH AND POWER --------------------------- DAGGER CLOTHING METAL HELMET LEATHER BOOTS HIDE SHIELD CLUB LEATHER ARMOR ARMET BLACK BOOTS WOOD SHIELD FALCHON CHAIN MAIL CASQUE 'N COIF HOSEN BUCKLER SMALL MACE PLATE MAIL BASINET FOOTPLATE SMALL SHIELD SWORD LARGE SHIELD RAPIER SAMURAI SWORD SABRE MACE OF ORDER AXE MORNINGSTAR