Subject: Re: HP DeskJet 694C and IIe? From: (Supertimer) Date: Sun, Oct 25, 1998 014 Message-id: <> Joe Kohn wrote: >Jason Whorton wrote: >: Hello. I have seen a few posts of late on HP printers and Apple computers. >: I have an HP DeskJet 694C and am wondering if it could be used with my IIe. >: I think it can be used with a IIgs with the Harmonie and whatever the other >: one is program, but I am wondering about its use with my IIe. I have an >: Apple Parallel Card and another brand, maybe a Grappler + that I could use >: with it. > >To be honest with you, you'll get limited use of the DJ if used on a IIe. > >Aside from text printing (a la PR#1), you can only use a DJ with software >that includes a driver. The few programs I can think of to include a driver >for a DeskJet is AppleWorks, DB Master and PublishIt4! The GEOS family of programs can too (Berkeley Softworks had a drivers disk that GEOS owners could buy that included DeskJet and LaserJet drivers). Also, almost any Apple IIe word processor can, with the right codes, use the DJ. You basically just enter the printer codes. The process is like the setting of a custom printer in AppleWorks. ProTERM works with a DeskJet for the very reason that it spits out pure ASCII.